Journal of Medical Sciences

Year: 2011 | Volume: 11 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 129-137
DOI: 10.3923/jms.2011.129.137
Anti Sickle Erythrocytes Haemolysis Properties and Inhibitory Effect of Anthocyanins Extracts of Trema orientalis (Ulmaceae) on the Aggregation of Human Deoxyhemoglobin S in vitro
P. T. Mpiana, K. N. Ngbolua, V. Mudogo, D.S. T. Tshibangu, E. K. Atibu, D. D. Tshilanda and N. M. Misengabu

Abstract: Recent findings indicated antisickling activity of anthocyanins from plants used in the management of sickle cell disease in Democratic Republic of Congo. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of anthocyanins extracts from Trema orientalis on sickle cell. So, Emmel, Itano and hypoxic induced sickle erythrocyte haemolysis bioassays were used to evaluate the influence of these extracts on haemoglobin S aggregation and sickle erythrocyte haemolysis. Anthocyanins extracts were found to possess antisickling activity. Indeed, the treated sickle erythrocyte indicated the re-appearance of the normal and classical biconcave form of red blood cells with a radius value of 3.5±0.2 μm similar to that of normal erythrocytes values. The solubility of Deoxyhemoglobin S and the rate of inhibition of hypoxic induced haemolysis, increased upon treatment with anthocyanins extracts. Anthocyanins would cross the erythrocytes’ membrane for either interfering with intracellular polymerization hemoglobin S or to scavenge the free radicals preventing erythrocyte sickling or haemolysis.

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How to cite this article
P. T. Mpiana, K. N. Ngbolua, V. Mudogo, D.S. T. Tshibangu, E. K. Atibu, D. D. Tshilanda and N. M. Misengabu, 2011. Anti Sickle Erythrocytes Haemolysis Properties and Inhibitory Effect of Anthocyanins Extracts of Trema orientalis (Ulmaceae) on the Aggregation of Human Deoxyhemoglobin S in vitro. Journal of Medical Sciences, 11: 129-137.

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