Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

Year: 2011 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 313-323
DOI: 10.3923/jest.2011.313.323
Physiochemical Properties of Soil in Relation to Varying Rates of Crude Oil Pollution
A. P. Uzoije and J. C. Agunwamba

Abstract: The behavior of selected physiochemical properties of the soil in relation to varying rates of crude oil pollution has been studied. Stratified random sampling was adopted for soil sample collection from various study sites of the study area, Niger Delta. Crude oil sample was also collected from three selected oil wells of Qua-Ibo, Brass River and Bonny, respectively. Sorption test was carried out by mixing the various characterized soil samples with the hydrocarbon-determined crude oil samples and the mixture was shaken for 5 h to establish adequate mixture and sorption process. Soil samples, crude oil samples and the crude oil-contaminated-soils collected after each sorption process were analyzed in the laboratory using routine and special analytical techniques. The results showed corresponding increase in values of some selected physiochemical properties of the soil (Bulk density and organic matter) with increase in sorption time, hydrocarbon concentrations of various crude oil samples and volumes of the crude oil applied during sorption process while an inverse relationship was observed for porosity values.

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How to cite this article
A. P. Uzoije and J. C. Agunwamba, 2011. Physiochemical Properties of Soil in Relation to Varying Rates of Crude Oil Pollution. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 4: 313-323.

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