
Year: 2011 | Volume: 1 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 1-22
DOI: 10.3923/ecologia.2011.1.22
Tropical Coastal Ecosystems: Rarely Explored for their Interaction!
Kandasamy Kathiresan and Nabeel M. Alikunhi

Abstract: Mangroves, seagrasses and coral reefs are the major tropical coastal ecosystems of the world. The physico-chemical and biological interactions between the coastal ecosystems have been perceived, but are rarely explored for better understanding of their connectivity. Mangroves forests and seagrass meadows are the coastal ecosystems of intense nutrient cycling, whereas the coral reef areas are poor in nutrients and Hence, the nutrient-rich coastal systems supply nutrients to adjacent coral reefs. The mangroves and seagrass provide nursery grounds for many faunal species, while the coral reefs provide habitat for them. The mangroves protect seagrass beds and coral reefs from landward discharges and sedimentations, while the coral reefs also protect the other systems by buffering ocean currents and dissipating wave action. The successful connectivity between the three ecosystems is vital for fishery resources, nutrient balance and mitigation of climate change. Hence, the interactions between the ecosystems are not only the state of the biodiversity enrichment but also the flow nutrient and energy. The deleterious effect of any one ecosystem will directly or indirectly affect the other ecosystems. It is a matter of necessity to conserve coastal ecosystems simultaneously in order to ensure a better goods and ecosystem services. Propagation and enrichment of mangrove ecosystem is easier than that of seagrasses and coral reefs and hence, development and diversification of mangrove system is recommended for multiple ecosystem management.

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How to cite this article
Kandasamy Kathiresan and Nabeel M. Alikunhi, 2011. Tropical Coastal Ecosystems: Rarely Explored for their Interaction!. Ecologia, 1: 1-22.

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