Asian Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2011 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 201-220
DOI: 10.17311/ajbs.2011.201.220
GABA Modulating Agents: A Brief Review
A.P.G. Nikalje, M. Ghodke and A. Girbane

Abstract: The search for antiepileptic compounds with more selective activity and lower toxicity continues to be an area of intensive investigation in medicinal chemistry. Moreover, many serious side effects are reported in many patients treated with presently available antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). In India, studies have reported the prevalence rate of epilepsy varying from 1710 to 9780 cases per million populations. Despite the optimal use of available antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), many patients with epilepsy fail to experience seizure control and others do so only at the expense of significant toxic side effects. The limitations with the conventional AEDs highlighted the need for developing newer agents for epilepsies and the AED search has come a long way, particularly over the last two decades. This review describes new anticonvulsant agents representing various structures for which the precise mechanism of action is still not known. New anticonvulsant drugs increase the spectrum of treatment and represent further steps with regard to the optimization of an individual therapy of the epilepsies. Here we are providing the review of novel GABA modulating agents, which seem to be effective when evaluated for their anticonvulsant activity.

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How to cite this article
A.P.G. Nikalje, M. Ghodke and A. Girbane, 2011. GABA Modulating Agents: A Brief Review. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences, 4: 201-220.

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