Trends in Applied Sciences Research

Year: 2009 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 73-78
DOI: 10.17311/tasr.2009.73.78
Application of Young Slits Technique: Measurement of the Phase of the Diffracted Field in Optical Domain
D.K. Konan, B.K. Koffi, A. Tanoh, M. Koffi, Z. Yeo, K. Konan and R.K. N`guessan

Abstract: This study presents a new technique to measure the phase difference between two diffracted fields: The field diffracted by a reference object and the field diffracted by an unknown object. For that we use the interferential technique of Young slits. We measured the phase difference between the diffracted fields of two rods of resin. And knowing the phase of the diffracted field of the reference object helps deducing the phase of the field diffracted by the sample. This setup is simple and it is very strong in the presence of disturbances because both objects are illuminated with the same incident beam. Moreover, this technique allows us measuring the phase of the diffracted field on a wide range of angle so that a high resolution of the image can be obtained.

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How to cite this article
D.K. Konan, B.K. Koffi, A. Tanoh, M. Koffi, Z. Yeo, K. Konan and R.K. N`guessan, 2009. Application of Young Slits Technique: Measurement of the Phase of the Diffracted Field in Optical Domain. Trends in Applied Sciences Research, 4: 73-78.

Keywords: Phase difference, optical diffraction tomography, optical microscope and diffracted field


There has been a considerable interest these last few years in the development of new optical imaging systems that are able to give the three dimensional optical properties of a sample, as encoded in the spatial variations of the permittivity, at the nanoscale (Carney et al., 2004; Sentenac et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2007). Potential applications range across multiple fields in life and material sciences.

Standard optical microscopes do not provide quantitative information on the sample permittivity. Crucial information is lost when only the intensity of the diffracted field is detected. To overcome this difficulty, it has been proposed to measure the amplitude and the phase of the diffracted field in a conventional far field microscope and to increase the resolution of the imager, the sample is illuminated under various incident angles (Lauer, 2002). An inversion algorithm is then used to form the image from the multiple dataset (Belkebir and Sentenac, 2003). This approach, known as Optical Diffraction Tomography (ODT) has stirred a wealth of research in the last five years and different setups, adapted to biological applications (Lauer, 2002; Debailleul et al., 2008) or to surface imaging (Alexandrov et al., 2006; Mico et al., 2006) were proposed.

Herein, we present a setup which allowed us to measure the phase of the diffracted field on a wide range of angle. So far, in the experimental configuration used to measure the phase of the diffracted field, the underlying principle is interference between a probe beam and a reference beam (Lauer, 2002; Destouches et al., 2001). We use here only one beam in this set up.


The interferential technique of Young slits is composed of two slits in the same plane. These two slits are lit by the same incident beam. The waves diffracted by these two slits interfere to give the interference figure of young slits. In the far field, there is an interference between the fields diffracted in the same direction. The angle of observation, θd, defined as the angle between the diffracted wave vector and the z-axis, can range from –80° to 80°.

Fig. 1: Setup diagram, O is the sample deposited on the fine glass plate P1 and M is the reference object deposited on the fine glass plate P2

For the other interferential systems, i.e., the Michelson interferometer, the angle of observation ranges from –45° to 45° at the best, when using a cube as a beam splitter.

There are two things to consider in this setup: the reference object and the sample. Let us denote the phase of the field scattered by the reference object, where, is the wave vector of the incident wave and the wave vector of the diffracted wave. Figure 1: shows the diagram of the setup.

The reference object and the sample we use in this experiment are rods of resin, with rectangular cross-sections, deposited on a glass substrate. The relative permittivity of this resin is εr = 2.66. The incident plan and the polarization of the illuminating wave are perpendicular and parallel to the invariant axis of the rods, respectively.

The emitted light at 633 nm by a 30 mW Helium-Neon laser, illuminates the reference object and the sample. The reference object is translated along the x-axis direction by an electro optic modulator, so that the reference object does not leave the illuminated beam. With a photodetector placed on a moving arm which turns around the sample, the intensity Ird of the interference between the diffracted field of the sample and the diffracted field of the reference object is measured for different angles. The moving arm is 60 cm long so that we work in the far field region.

We assume that the illuminated wave is a plane wave and that the diffracted waves do not illuminate any object.


where, Ai and Δφ are, respectively the amplitude and the phase of the illuminating field.

The diffracted field of the sample is:


where, and are, respectively the amplitude and the phase of the field. The diffracted field of the reference object is:


where, and are, respectively the amplitude and the phase of the field diffracted by the reference object in the direction of .

Assuming that then:


where, and are the intensities of the scattered field of the reference object and the sample respectively in the direction of and is the intensity of the interference between the diffracted field of the sample and the diffracted field of the reference object in the direction of .


We assume that the translation is proportional to the tension: d = kV so,


The signal s (θd, θinc) is evaluated:


We determine k and then we calculate the signal:


With both signals s (θd, θinc) and scald, θinc), we estimate for various observation directions .


is determined when the reference object and the sample are illuminated using a beam in the normal direction θinc = 0. The results are shown in Fig. 2-5.

Figure 6: and 7 show the results when the reference object and the sample are illuminated by the incident beam with the angle of incident θinc = 37°.

Fig. 2: Intensity of the interference between the diffracted field of the sample and the diffracted field of the reference object for θinc = 0 and θd = 10°

Fig. 3: Intensity of the interference between the diffracted field of the sample and the diffracted field of the reference object for θinc = 0 and θd = 60°

Fig. 4: Experimental signal s (θd, θinc) and calculated signal scald, θinc) for θd = 10° and θinc = 0°

Fig. 5: Experimental signal for θinc = 0°

Fig. 6: Experimental signal s (θd, θinc) and calculated signal scald, θinc) for θd = 10° and θinc = 37°

Fig. 7: Experimental signal for θinc = 37°

When we compare the measured signal with the calculated signal (Eq. 9) with the good phase shift for this direction, we note a very good agreement between the two signals.

The intensity of the interference between the diffracted field of the sample and the diffracted field of the reference object for θd = 60° is not very noisy. This allows measurements on a wide range of angle for a given direction of incidence.

Comparing with the other tomography techniques, this technique presents two main advantages. Firstly it uses only one beam, not two and secondly it allows measures on a wide range of angle for a given direction of incidence.

A number of directions of the illuminating wave are used and the corresponding intensities of the interferences are measured. Following this, the corresponding phases are determined. And knowing , we deduce the phase of the diffracted field of the sample .


A simple setup based on Young slits technique has been built. It has allowed making measurements of difference phase of the diffracted fields without using lenses. These measurements have been made on a wide rang of angle [–80°, 80°]. That helps to have a high resolution of the imager. Moreover, this setup is very strong in presence of disturbances.

With the different results, it is experimentally demonstrated that it is possible to measure the phase of the diffracted field. A further study is projected in order to improve this technique by motoring the movement of the detector.


We thank Dr. André Kra Koffi, teacher of English for specific purposes who helped us to write this study in English.


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