Pakistan Journal of Nutrition

Year: 2015 | Volume: 14 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 436-439
DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2015.436.439
Effect of Water Intake on Sprague-Dawley Rat Off Spring’s Linear Growth
Afrinia Eka Sari, Hardinsyah and Ikeu Tanziha

Abstract: The present study was designed to analyze the effect of water intake rat offspring’s body length and IGF-1 hormone level of rats An experimental animal study using randomized block design was applied to pregnant female of rats with gestation age ±22 days. Body length and IGF-1 hormone level of the offspring were measured at the age of five weeks after born. The results showed the mean offspring’s body length at birth was 44.22±1.99, 46.20±3.93, 50.69±3.14, 52.17±2.48, 52.05±2.67 and 52.48±2.27 mm for water intake level of 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 ml, respectively. The result of ANOVA test showed that water intake level significantly and positively affects body length with coeficient of determination of 76.33%; but not significant for IGF-1 hormone level. This implies that chronic dehydration during pregnancy of rat affects offspring’s linear growth.

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How to cite this article
Afrinia Eka Sari, Hardinsyah and Ikeu Tanziha, 2015. Effect of Water Intake on Sprague-Dawley Rat Off Spring’s Linear Growth. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 14: 436-439.

Keywords: Water intake, pregnancy, offspring�s length and hormone growth


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