Pakistan Journal of Nutrition

Year: 2014 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 678-682
DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2014.678.682
Anti-Nutrient Composition of Pumpkin Leaf (Telfiaria occidentalis) at Three Temperature Regimes
P.C. Njoku, E. Nzediegwu, A.A. Ayuk, C. Nzediegwu, I.U. Efenudu and M.A. Erhayimwen

Abstract: The anti-nutrient composition including oxalate, phytic acid, cyanide and tannin of pumpkin leaf (Telfairia occidentalis) was determined at three temperature regimes (normal (37°C), 60°C and boiling point (100°C). The oxalate and phytic acid content of the leaf were evaluated by titrimetric method while the cyanide and tannin content of the leaf was determined by spectrophotometric method. The vegetable, T. occidentalis was subjected to various processing conditions including sun drying, boiling at 60°C, boiling at 100°C, oven drying at 60°C, oven drying at 100°C. The mean oxalate content ranged from 0.18 mg/100 g of boiled sample at 100°C to 1.17 mg/100 g of raw sample. The mean of phytic acid content ranged from 6.15 mg/100 g of oven dried sample at 60°C to 28.38 mg/100 g of raw samples. The mean of tannin content ranged from 4.66 mg/100 g of boiled sample at 100°C to 5.72 mg/100 g of raw sample. The mean of cyanide content range from 17.69 mg/100 g of boiled at 100°C to 38.98 mg/100 g of raw samples. It was observed that the boiled sample at 100°C processing condition was most impactful for anti-nutrient reduction. Hence this study will help dieticians and health officers to know the best processing methods for pumpkin leaf.

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How to cite this article
P.C. Njoku, E. Nzediegwu, A.A. Ayuk, C. Nzediegwu, I.U. Efenudu and M.A. Erhayimwen, 2014. Anti-Nutrient Composition of Pumpkin Leaf (Telfiaria occidentalis) at Three Temperature Regimes. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 13: 678-682.

Keywords: Anti-nutrients processing conditions, temperature and Telfairia occidentalis


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