Pakistan Journal of Nutrition

Year: 2011 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 577-581
DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2011.577.581
Proximate, Minerals and Anti-nutritional Factors of Gardenia aqualla (Gauden dutse) Fruit Pulp
A. Muhammad, S.M. Dangoggo, A.I. Tsafe, A.U. Itodo and F.A. Atiku

Abstract: The Pulp of Gardenia aqualla fruit was analyzed for nutritional and anti-nutritional composition. The results obtained were moisture content (80.33%), ash (5.00%), crude lipid (1.70%), crude protein (3.85%), crude fibre (trace), available carbohydrate (89.45%) and the energy value (388.50 kcal/100 g). Elemental analyses shows that Sodium is the most abundant element (203.33 mg/100 g) while manganese is the least (0.2 mg/100 g), Lead was also detected (0.37 mg/100 g). The anti-nutritional parameters analyzed include; Phytate (26.57 mg/100 g), Soluble Oxalate (1.70 mg/100 g), Saponin (1.50 mg/100 g), Nitrate (0.38 mg/100 g) while Hydrocyanic acid content are (1.14 mg/100 g). The antinutrients to nutrients ratio indicate the bioavailability of some important minerals except in the case of [Phytate][Fe] and [Phytate][Ca] in the pulp which are found to reach the critical levels and therefore are expected to hinder Iron and Calcium bioavailability in the pulp.

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How to cite this article
A. Muhammad, S.M. Dangoggo, A.I. Tsafe, A.U. Itodo and F.A. Atiku, 2011. Proximate, Minerals and Anti-nutritional Factors of Gardenia aqualla (Gauden dutse) Fruit Pulp. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 10: 577-581.

Keywords: phytate, oxalate, potassium, wild food, Gardenia aqualla fruit, saponins, nitrate and cyanide


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