Pakistan Journal of Nutrition

Year: 2010 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 920-925
DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2010.920.925
Proximate Analysis and Microbiological Quality of Cheese Produced from Raw Cow Milk Obtained from Fulani Settlement in Ogun State Nigeria, Using Lactic Acid Bacteria and Extract from Sodom Apple Leaf (Calotropis procera)
P.O. Uaboi-Egbenni, P.N. Okolie, T.I. Akintunde, O. Bisi-Johnson, L. Enwe and P.O. Bessong

Abstract: Raw cow milk obtained from Fulani settlement in Ogun State, Nigeria was inoculated with pure cultures of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermopilus with extract from Sodom apple leaf (Calotropis procera) as coagulant in the absence of rennin. Fermentation was done for four (4) days for the development of necessary aroma and coagulation. Physiochemical analysis of the fermenting sample showed a gradual drop in pH from 5.8-3.20 and an increase in total titratable acidity from 0.049-0.137%. Proximate analysis of the cheese sample showed a moisture, ash, fat, protein and carbohydrate (by difference) of 64, 0.60, 13.4, 12.86 and 9.14% respectively. Microbiological analysis of the cheese product revealed that the sample was completely free of coliforms, mould and yeasts and hence safe for consumption. This Sodom Apple produced cheese is hereby recommended for both growing children and adult due to the retention of a high percentage of protein after fermentation and its expected ability to correct protein deficiencies. The microbial production and nutritional analysis of the cheese sample is discussed.

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How to cite this article
P.O. Uaboi-Egbenni, P.N. Okolie, T.I. Akintunde, O. Bisi-Johnson, L. Enwe and P.O. Bessong, 2010. Proximate Analysis and Microbiological Quality of Cheese Produced from Raw Cow Milk Obtained from Fulani Settlement in Ogun State Nigeria, Using Lactic Acid Bacteria and Extract from Sodom Apple Leaf (Calotropis procera). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 9: 920-925.

Keywords: Calotropis procera, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, coagulation and cheese


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