Pakistan Journal of Nutrition

Year: 2007 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 414-418
DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2007.414.418
Body Mass Index and Dietary Intake of Saudi Adult Males in the Riyadh Region-Saudi Arabia
Abdullah H. Al-Assaf and Khalid S. Al-Numair

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate intake of macronutrients and its relation to Body Mass Index (BMI) as well as intake of selected micronutrients in urban and rural healthy adults in Riyadh region-Saudi Arabia. 170 health adults were recruited, 85 of which were urbans and 85 were rurals. Three consecutive days food records were collected and dietary intakes were analyzed by the food processor and other food composition tables. Results showed high intake of macronutrients and prevalence of overweight and obesity in both groups with no significant differences. Subjects of both groups also had high intake of saturated fat. Results also showed inadequate intake of vitamin D, calcium and folate. Few of the participants of both groups had inadequate intake of vitamin C. Intakes of vitamin B1, vitamin B3, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and vitamin B2 was adequate. No significant differences between the two groups were observed except for vitamin D, calcium and vitamin B2 that their mean intakes were significantly higher in urban group compared to rural group. Mean intake of vitamin B3 was higher in rural group compared to urban group. These findings suggested that overweight and obesity among adult Saudis are due to high intake of macronutrients combined with inadequate intake of some micronutrients, which are results of non-balanced diet and inappropriate consumption patterns. The study also suggests that there is a need of increasing the nutritional education and awareness among adult Saudi males.

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How to cite this article
Abdullah H. Al-Assaf and Khalid S. Al-Numair, 2007. Body Mass Index and Dietary Intake of Saudi Adult Males in the Riyadh Region-Saudi Arabia . Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 6: 414-418.

Keywords: Dietary intake, nutrients intake, food records, BMI, Saudi males, rural, urban and Riyadh

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