Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2012 | Volume: 15 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 121-131
DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2012.121.131
Structural and Functional Analysis of KIT Gene Encoding Receptor Tyrosine Kinase and its Interaction with Sunitinib and HDAC Inhibitors: An in silico Approach
R. Vanajothi, S. Rajamanikandan, A. Sudha and P. Srinivasan

Abstract: KIT is a growth factor receptor, important for normal germ cell migration and development. The malfunction of KIT gene results in constitutive activation of the tyrosine kinase activity of c-KIT which is believed to be the major oncogenic event in stomach, small intestine mastocytosis, acute leukemias, melanomas and colon tumors. The genetics of these diseases could be better understood by knowing the functional relevance of their SNP variation. In this study, a computational analysis to detect the most deleterious non-synonymous SNPs of KIT gene was performed and investigated its binding affinity to native and predicted mutant protein structure (D816V) with sunitinib and HDAC (Trichostatin A and Panobinostat) inhibitors was investigated. Out of 1,288 SNPs retrieved from dbSNP database against KIT gene, 11 non-synonymous SNPs were detected to be damaging and deleterious by SIFT, PolyPhen and I-Mutant2.0 servers. Further, we modeled the mutant protein based on the deleterious nsSNP (rs121913507) and showed that the mutation from Aspartic acid to Valine at 816 position exhibit greatest impact on stability. The RMSD values of mutant and native structures are found to be 0.40 and 1.9 Å, respectively. Furthermore, the binding affinity of sunitinib and HDAC inhibitors were compared with native and mutant protein. In this regard, it was found that trichostatin A has a high binding efficacy towards the mutant protein with a binding energy of -35.274 kcal mol-1, as compared to the native structure which has a binding energy of -25.996 kcal mol-1. Also, the FastSNP tool suggested that 3 SNPs found to affect protein splicing site and splicing regulation. From present results, it was clear that the non-synonymous SNP rs121913507 (D816V) could be the most deleterious SNP for KIT gene and HDAC inhibitors can serve as a best drug for the mutant protein.

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R. Vanajothi, S. Rajamanikandan, A. Sudha and P. Srinivasan, 2012. Structural and Functional Analysis of KIT Gene Encoding Receptor Tyrosine Kinase and its Interaction with Sunitinib and HDAC Inhibitors: An in silico Approach. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 15: 121-131.

Keywords: PolyPhen, KIT gene, SIFT, HDAC inhibitors, I-mutant, SNP and sunitinib


Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are usually occurred in the stomach (60%) or small intestine (30%) and sometimes it may takes place anywhere in the GI tract and also occurred as extra gastrointestinal stromal tumors (EGISTs) and commonly exhibit oncogenic activating mutations in the KIT tyrosine kinase (Rubin et al., 2001; Lux et al., 2000; Hornick and Fletcher, 2007). KIT gene encodes the Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) and belongs to type III receptor family which includes Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) α, β and macrophage colony stimulating factor (mCSF) and it regulates haematopoiesis, melanogenesis, gut and germ cell development (Lee, 1998; Ali and Ali, 2007). These type-III RTKs includes five extracellular IgG-like loops, encodes the ligand-binding and dimerization domains and also consist of an intracellular portion which is divided into juxtamembrane (JM) domain and a split kinase domain (Majumder et al., 1998). These kinases gets activated by its ligand Stem Cell Factor (SCF) under certain physiological conditions and leads to receptor dimerization, auto-phosphorylation, phosphorylation of downstream signaling cascades like P13/AKT/mTOR, RAS/RAF/MAPK pathways and also JAK/STAT signaling (Nocka et al., 1990; Mol et al., 2004). However, all oncogenic KIT mutations cause a constitutive, ligand independent activation of the kinase thereby driving tumor genesis.

KIT mutations in GIST are detected in KIT exon 11 followed by mutations of exons 9, 13 and 17 (Duensing et al., 2004). KIT expression plays a critical role in diverse range of human solid tumors like mast cell tumors, germ cell tumors, ovarian carcinomas, malignant melanomas, GISTs, Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC), neuroblastoma and breast carcinoma (Gonzalez et al., 2004). The most common mutation of c-KIT is a substitution of the aspartic acid residue in the position of 816 to a valine (D816V) which leads to an essential stimulation of the receptor (Sun et al., 2009). Different types of KIT mutations have been reported in the c-KIT JM domain in correlation to GISTs. These are intragenic deletions (Hirota et al., 1998; Lasota et al., 1999); insertion mutations and missense mutations without affecting the reading frames. Myogenic and neurogenic tumors are also formed by the mutation of c-KIT JM domain (Yasuoka et al., 2003).

SNPs exhibit considerable interest for tracing the genetics of complex human diseases. SNPs are mostly bi-allelic in practice and mostly occur outside the coding regions of the genome. SNPs found within a coding region are of particular interest of scientist as they play major role in the alteration of biological functions of the proteins (Javed and Mukesh, 2010). The coding regions of the human genome include about 500,000 SNPs (Collins et al., 1998). The occurrence of SNP in the genome is at random and they are reported to occur in a given population consistently. Hence, these are used as ideal biomarkers (Khan and Jamil, 2008). Among them, the non-synonymous SNPs (nsSPNs) were broadly divided into two different categories on the basis of their phenotypic effects. The nsSNPs that cause deleterious effect on protein function was believed to be disease associated and others are considered as functionally neutral (Fredman et al., 2002). Hence, they are the important source of inter individual human variation, including disease susceptibility and drug sensitivity. The protein function gets altered by many nsSNPs which in turn causes change in the stability of native structure and/or its binding properties. Due to this reason, several studies have been tried over to discover the functional impact of such nsSNPs by mapping onto protein structures and to distinguish them into disease-associated and neutral nsSNPs (Stitziel et al., 2003; Wang and Moult, 2001). Protein stability and the efficiency of protein interactions get altered by many nsSNPs which results in pathological condition. Yet, there is no biological evidence for such nsSNPs involvement in various conditions (Nuchnoi et al., 2011). Therefore, a close investigation of the polymorphism is needed prior to the conduction of phenotype/genotype association study by in silico analysis. Moreover, the biological explanation of the diseases associated gene could be provided using computational biology.


Datasets: National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has established the dbSNP database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/SNP) to serve as central repository for molecular variation (Sherry et al., 1999). The SNPs associated with the human KIT gene were collected from this database and were used for an in silico analysis.

Analysis of functional consequences of coding nsSNPs by SIFT method: Identifying substitutions that affect protein function is the major interest of those studying proteins and their implication in disease. Disease-causing mutations are found in polymorphism sites which are likely to be functionally and structurally important. We used the program SIFT available at (http://blocks.fhcrc.org/SIFT.html) (Ng and Henikoff, 2003). SIFT is a sequence homology based tool that was used to detect the deleterious nsSNPs in KIT gene. Predicting substitutions as deleterious or neutral may help to identify disease associated alleles. It also predicts the conservation level of a particular position in a protein. SIFT takes a query sequence and uses multiple alignment information to predict tolerated and deleterious substitutions for every position of the query sequence. SIFT works in a multistep procedure which are listed as fellows: (a) searches for similar sequences, (b) chooses closely related sequences that may share similar function, (c) obtains the multiple alignment of these chosen sequences and (d) calculated normalized probabilities for all possible substitutions at each position from the alignment. Substitutions at each position with normalized probabilities less than a chosen cutoff are predicted to be deleterious; those greater than or equal to the cutoff values are predicted to be tolerated. The cutoff values ranges from 0.00 to 0.05 was predicted to be intolerance/deleterious. The positions with normalized probabilities <0.05 are predicted to be deleterious; those ≥0.05 are predicted to be tolerated.

Simulation for functional change in coding nsSNPs by PolyPhen: Analyzing the damaged coding non-synonymous SNPs at the structural level is considered to be very important to understand the functional activity of the protein (Rajasekaran et al., 2008a). We used the program PolyPhen available at http://cott.embl.de/PolyPhen. Polymorphism Phenotyping (PolyPhen) was used to predict and analysis the effect on protein structure and function. PolyPhen server gets input either as amino acid sequence of a protein or the SWALL database ID or accession number together with sequence position and two amino acid variants characterizing the polymorphism. Sequence based homologous sequences and mapping of substitution site to a known protein’s 3-dimensional structure are the parameters taken into account by the PolyPhen server. It calculates Position-Specific Independent Counts (PSIC) scores for each of the two variants and then computes the difference between the PSIC scores. The higher the PSIC score difference will have higher the functional impact for the particular amino acid substitution (Ramensky et al., 2002).

Predicting stability change on mutation by I-Mutant2.0: Knowledge on protein structure-function relationships can aid in the prediction of whether an nsSNP will alter protein function and therefore influence disease (Cmarik, 2008). However, most of the deleterious non-synonymous SNP associated proteins show less stability. We used the program, I-Mutant2.0 available at http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/cgi/predictors/I-Mutant2.0/I-Mutant2.0.cgi and it is a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based tool for the automatic prediction of protein stability changes upon single point mutations. I-Mutant2.0 predictions are performed starting either from the protein structure or, more importantly, from the protein sequence (Capriotti et al., 2005). The method was trained and tested on a data set derived from ProTherm (Bava et al., 2004), which is presently the most comprehensive available database of thermodynamic experimental data of free energy changes of protein stability upon mutation under different conditions. Four different outputs can be retrieved, depending on the selected mode. In either case, the prediction of the value of free energy change or only its sign can be obtained. Positive DDG value indicates that the mutated protein is expected to have high stability whereas negative values indicate lower stability.

Functional significance of noncoding SNPs in regulatory untranslated regions: Recent studies shown that SNPs may have functional effects on protein structures, by changing single amino acids, transcriptional regulation and on alternative splicing regulations (Prokunina et al., 2002; Prokunina and Alarcon-Riquelme, 2004). We used the program available at http://fastsnp.ibms.sinica.edu.tw. The function analysis and selection tool (FastSNP) was used to predict the risk level of SNPs according to its phenotypic and putative functional effects. The impact of the nsSNPs, 3’ UTR regions and intronic SNPs on the regulation of the KIT gene was analyzed. FastSNP server follows the decision tree principle with external web service access to TF search, to obtain the predicted transcription factor-binding sites of the gene. Thus the decision tree will assign risk rankings for SNP prioritization with a ranking of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This signifies the levels of no, very low, medium, high and very high effects, respectively (Yuan et al., 2006).

Modeling of nsSNPs on protein structures and calculation of their RMSD difference: Structural bioinformatics is concerned with computational approaches were used to predict and analyze the spatial structure of proteins. In this view, homology modeling or comparative modeling is based on the fact that a structure of a protein can be reliably modeled when its sequence is sufficiently similar to a protein sequence with known 3D structure (Prajapat et al., 2010). The available structure for the KIT gene has a Protein Database Bank id (PDBid) of 1 Pkg (Mol et al., 2003). We confirmed the mutation position and mutation residues in 1 Pkg by using I-Mutant2.0, SIFT and PolyPhen servers. The mutation and the energy minimization of the mutant structure were performed using the SWISS PDB viewer. Divergence of mutant structure from native structure is due to mutation, deletions and insertions and the deviation between the two structures is evaluated by their RMSD values which could affect stability and functional activity (Rajasekaran et al., 2008b). The superimposition of native and mutant structures was evaluated using Superpose server (Maiti et al., 2004).

Molecular interaction and binding affinity with sunitinib and HDAC inhibitors: Molecular interaction is a method which predicts the preferred orientation of one molecule to a second when bound to each other to form a stable complex. In order to calculate the binding affinity and interaction between native and mutant protein with sunitinib and Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, we used Glide 5.5 module of Schrodinger suite (Friesner et al., 2004). The native protein (1 Pkg) and mutant structure (D816V) were selected for analysis and the structures with favorable shape similarity measures were prepared for docking simulations using the Protein Preparation Wizard Script within Maestro. This protein preparation procedure involves removal of waters, optimization of contacts by changing hydroxyl group orientations, flipping of Asn and Gln side chains and selecting His tautomeric states, followed by constrained energy refinement using the OPLS-AA force field. The chemical structures of the drug sunitinib (CID: 5329102) and HDAC inhibitors namely Trichostatin A, Panobinostat (CID: 444732, 6918837), were retrieved from Pubchem database. Ligands were then prepared and geometry optimized by using the optimized potentials for liquid simulation-2005 (OPLS) force field using the LigPrep process (Schrodinger, 2009). The LigPrep is utility in Schrodinger software suite that combines tools for generating 3D structures from 1D (smiles) and 2D (SDF) representation, searching for tautomers and steric isomers and geometry minimization of ligands. The prepared protein and the ligands were employed to build energy grids using the default value of protein atom scaling (1.0 Å) within a cubic box, centered on the centroid of the X-ray ligand pose. After Grid generation, the ligands were docked with the protein by using Glide 5.5 module in extra precision mode (XP) which uses MCSA (Monte Carlo Based Simulated Algorithm) based minimization. The docked results obtained from Glide were analyzed. Finally, the best orientation for each docked compound was rescored according to its binding free energy, ΔGbind which was calculated using the Prime MM-GBSA module in Maestro (Guimaraes and Cardozo, 2008).


Datasets: SNPs have become marker of choice for many applications in genome analysis because SNPs are abundance, stable, ubiquity and interspersed in nuclear genome (Tchin et al., 2011). Single nucleotide polymorphism data of human KIT gene was retrieved from the dbSNP database. It consists of a total of 1,288 SNPs, of which 35 were non-synonymous; we took these non-synonymous SNPs for our computational analysis.

Deleterious nsSNPs by SIFT program: The substitutions which may affect the protein functions were identified by using sequence homology based tool. The protein sequence accession number along with the two alleles for each of the 35 nsSNPs in KIT gene were submitted independently to the SIFT server to check their corresponding deleterious/tolerance index. Among the 35 nsSNPs, 11 were found to be deleterious with a tolerance index score of less than 0.05 and the results are shown in Table 1. Of 11 nsSNPs, 5 showed a high tolerance index of 0.00, 2 had a tolerance index of 0.01 and 4 nsSNPs had a tolerance index of 0.02 respectively. We found that five nsSNPs, namely rs121913507, rs28933371, rs121913508, rs121913509, rs121913513 which were showed a less stability by I-Mutant2.0 server, were also seen to be deleterious by SIFT server. Low tolerance index will have higher functional impact of particular amino acid. This low index value of the nsSNP (rs121913507) indicates its involvement in changing protein stability and its functionality (Ng and Henikoff, 2003).

Damaged nsSNP found by PolyPhen server: The structural level of the alteration in protein was analyzed using the PolyPhen server. The protein sequences of 35 nsSNPs examined in this work were submitted as input to the PolyPhen server and the results are shown in Table 1. The position specific independent count score was predicted for all 35 nsSNP. Among these, we found 11 nsSNPs were found to be damaging and only one nsSNPs (rs121913507) exhibited a highest PSIC score of 3.185 (Table 1) and it was supposed to affect protein structure and function. A PSIC score difference of 1.1 and above is considered to be damaging (Ramensky et al., 2002). The five nsSNPs namely rs121913507, rs2893337, rs121913508, rs121913509 and rs121913513 which were predicted to be deleterious by SIFT server, were also found to be damaging by PolyPhen server.

Table 1: Deleterious SNPS found by SIFT, PolyPhen and I-Mutant2.0 servers

Meanwhile, other studies had also reported on the association of SNPs with various applications such as the search for SNPs in PS1 in AD patients (Al-Khedhairy et al., 2005), identification of Polymorphic Sites (1236 and 3435) in Multi Drug Resistance Gene 1 Influencing Drug Response in Breast Cancer Patients (Khan et al., 2007), genetic polymorphisms in the ESR genes and the risk of breast cancer among Iranian women (Abbasi et al., 2009a), genome wide SNP analysis in Mycobacterium sp. (Srivastava et al., 2009).

Predicting stability change on mutation by I-Mutant2.0: Out of 11 non-synonymous SNPs, the server predicts 10 SNPs that were found to be less stable. Among these SNPs, 3 nsSNPs namely rs56225530, rs28933371 and rs121913509 showed a DDG value of >-1.0. The remaining 7 nsSNPs namely rs121913506, rs121913507, rs121913522, rs121913508, rs121913513, rs121913518 and rs121913514 showed a DDG value <-1.0 (Table 1). The high negative DDG values of nsSNPs predicted by this server indicate, less stable the given point mutation is likely to have (Capriotti et al., 2005). Hence, based on the results predicted from all the three programs we concluded that only one nsSNPs namely rs121913507 was seen to be less stable, deleterious and found to be damaging. So we took this nsSNP for mutational and molecular interaction analysis.

Functional SNPs in UTR found by the FastSNP: We used FastSNP server to analyze and predict the functional significance of SNPs in KIT gene. According to this server, 21 coding SNPs were predicted to be functionally significant (Table 2). Among these, three SNPs (rs28933968, rs56094246 and rs28933371) were predicted with a risk rank of medium to high in splicing site and splicing regulation. It is clear from the result that these SNPs breaks the exonic splicing enhancer/silencer binding site in coding sequence, leading to abolish the protein domain (Yuan et al., 2006).

Fig. 1: Native structure (pink) of KIT gene encoding receptor tyrosine kinase (1 Pkg)

Table 2: List of SNPs found to be functionally significant by FastSNP server

Modeling of mutant structure and calculation of their RMSD difference: Information about mapping the deleterious nsSNPs in the protein structure was obtained from dbSNP database. The native protein structure associated with KIT gene was retrieved from dbSNP database with a PDB id: 1 Pkg (Fig. 1). Based on the result obtained from SIFT, PolyPhen server and I-Mutant2.0, we took the nsSNP rs121913507 for structural analysis. The amino acid variant and the mutational position were identified to be D/V at the residue position 816 (i.e., aspartic acid was replaced by valine) and the structure of mutant protein is shown in Fig. 2. This result also coincides well with the experimental observation (Ma et al., 2002). The mutation and energy minimization analysis were performed using SWISSPDB viewer. The total energy for the native and mutant structures were found to be -22,483.596 and -22,395.652 kcal mol-1, respectively. The higher the total energy, the less stable the protein structure is. The total energy comparison showed that the mutant protein is little higher in its energy value than native type (Rajasekaran et al., 2008c). The superimposition of mutant and native structure was performed in SuperPose server and the RMSD value difference was found to be 1.41 Å. The observed RMSD value denotes that some deviation exists between the mutant and native structures which in turn may alters their normal and efficient activity. The superimposed structure of native (PDB ID: 1 Pkg) and mutant type protein (rs121913507) is shown in Fig. 3. Mutation and polymorphism of cancer-associated genes have been found to predict tumor formation and prognosis. It is also considered as an effective risk factor with positive effects and negative effects in different studies (Abbasi et al., 2009b). Based on these results, the mutant allele at the nsSNP (rs121913507) was found to be less stable, deleterious and could be believed to affect the structure of the protein and the mutation occurring with this particular nsSNPs would be of key importance in the identification of GISTs caused by the KIT gene. Single amino acid mutation can significantly change the stability of a protein structure.

Fig. 2: Mutant structure (yellow) of KIT gene encoding receptor tyrosine kinase (1 Pkg)

Fig. 3: Superimposed structure of native protein 1 Pkg (pink) with mutant structure (yellow) D816V

Thus, biologists and protein designers need to find out accurate predictions of how such mutations will affect the stability of a protein structure (De Alencar and Lopes, 2010).

Analysis of binding affinity for native and mutant protein: We used Glide 5.5 module of Schrodinger suite to find out the molecular interaction between the receptor and the ligand. The X-ray structure of c-KIT protein tyrosine kinase (PDB ID: 1 Pkg) complex with ADP, magnesium ions was selected as the reference structure for molecular docking analyses. In this study, we used the tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib and HDAC inhibitors (Trichostatin A and panobinostat) for docking studies with both native and mutant proteins. Sunitinib has recently been approved for patients with advanced GISTs who have progressed on imatinib (Demetri et al., 2006). HDAC inhibitors have recently shown promising results in preclinical models for GIST (Muhlenberg et al., 2009) and are currently in clinical trials. The docking results of sunitinib and HDAC inhibitors are reported in Table 3. The method of evaluating the accuracy of a docking procedure is to determine how closely the lowest energy pose (binding conformation) predicted by the object scoring function, Glide score (G score).

Table 3: Glide extra-precision (XP) results for native and mutant protein

Fig. 4(a-b): (a) Sunitinib docked with native and (b) Sunitinib docked with mutant

We found three hydrogen bonding interactions that exist between native type-sunitinib and also between mutant type-sunitinib with difference in two amino acid residues. The residue Arg 796 is common in both types. The hydrogen bonding interactions was also studied comparatively with HDAC inhibitors (Trichostatin A, panobinostat). Trichostatin A forms three hydrogen bonds with native and mutant proteins. On the other hand, Panobinostat forms four hydrogen bonds with native type and only two hydrogen bonds with mutant type. From the docking results, it was found that the HDAC inhibitors: Trichostatin A (-7.582 kcal mol-1) and Panobinostat (-6.423 kcal mol-1) possess the maximum Glide docking score and glide energy with mutant structure when compared to sunitinib (-5.353 kcal mol-1) respectively. The amino acid residue Asp 816 is common in forming interaction between HDAC inhibitors with native protein and this indicates that Asp 816 plays crucial role in maintaining closed or open conformation of c-KIT protein tyrosine kinase domain (Paulson et al., 1996). Both HDAC inhibitors and sunitinib forms low glide docking score with native protein than mutant structure. The complex of sunitinib with native and mutant type is shown in Fig. 4a and b. The complex of trichostatin A and Panobinostat with native and mutant structures are shown in Fig. 5a, b and 6a, b. These results imply that HDAC inhibitors can be serve as best drug candidates for experimentally proven mutant allele (D816V) in GIST than sunitinib.

We further investigated the binding free energy for the native and mutant KIT gene encoding receptor tyrosine kinase and ligands. For this purpose, we used Prime MM-GBSA module for the nsSNP analysis in accordance with binding energy calculation. The binding energy scores can be used for a relative ranking of our test ligands. The binding free energy for sunitinib with native protein was -15.78 kcal mol-1, whereas with mutant protein it was -17.52 kcal mol-1. Moreover through this exploration, it was found that the HDAC inhibitors exhibit higher binding free energy with the mutant structure compared to native protein (Table 4). Although some interactions are similar as HDAC inhibitors, the docking score and calculated Prime MM-GBSA ΔG is worse than those calculated ones of HDAC inhibitors, indicating sunitinib may be have a worse binding affinity than HDAC inhibitors to mutant structure (D816V).

Fig. 5(a-b): (a) Trichostatin A docked with native and (b) Trichostatin A docked with mutant

Fig. 6(a-b): (a) Panobinostat docked with native and (b) Panobinostat docked with mutant

Table 4: Binding energy calculated by prime MM-GBSA

In the past this protocol has been used for productively re-scoring hits that may be ranked unfavorably by docking programs during virtual screening (Graves et al., 2008; Guimaraes and Cardozo, 2008).


Defects in genes/enzymes could lead to chronic diseases in humans. Discovering the causes of this defect will provide a clue for its prevention or control of some disorders. In this study, we have analyzed the KIT gene through computational methods to predict its importance towards gastrointestinal stromal tumours and the influence of functional SNPs were also evaluated. The results obtained from SIFT, PolyPhen and I-Mutant2.0 servers, showed that 11 nsSNPs were found to cause damage to the KIT gene. Among these nsSNPs, we found the major mutation occurs in D/V at the position 816 and this deviation in the protein structure was caused by deleterious nsSNP rs121913507. Moreover, the docking study and binding affinity with sunitinib and HDAC inhibitors were carried out and result shows that the HDAC inhibitors exhibit better binding affinity with mutant type when compared to that of the native type. Hence from our analysis, we concluded that the above mutation is the major target for GISTs caused by KIT gene and in addition, HDAC inhibitors can be served as the best drug for mutant as compared to native protein.


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