Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2006 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 1504-1508
DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2006.1504.1508
A Research on the Adaptation of Some Raspberry Cultivars in Ayas (Ankara) Conditions
S. Peral Atila, Y. Sabit Agaoglu and Mensure Celik

Abstract: This study was carried out on 11 cultivars of raspberries in Ayas (Ankara) ecology between 2002-2005 years. For this objective, Phenological observations, plant characteristics and pomological characteristics for the cultivars were observed. Between 2002-2005 years in point of plant characteristics, phenological observations and, pomological characteristics, Willamette, Summit and Tulameen are fruitful cultivars in the condition. Not only autumn but also spring is productive cultivar is Heritage.

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How to cite this article
S. Peral Atila, Y. Sabit Agaoglu and Mensure Celik, 2006. A Research on the Adaptation of Some Raspberry Cultivars in Ayas (Ankara) Conditions. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9: 1504-1508.

Keywords: Raspberry, growing, adaptation and Ayas (Ankara)


Ağaoğlu (1986) informs that when we say gramble fruits, grape, strawberry, blackberry, gooseberry, bektaşi grape, blueberry and oleaster the ones that come to mind at first.

Pomologists, call the species of Rubus as shrubby plants. According to some classifications, it is stated that there are 740 Rubus species and these also have 12 subspecies (Ying et al., 1990). On the other hand, according to Jennings (1988), it is stated that there are 15 subspecies of Rubus.

For Turkey, it is a new matter to grow gramble fruits when it is compared with growing different types of it. We can say that the species, except strawberry, are hardly grown; and we come across with most of them in different regions of Turkey in their wild forms. This variety in wild population shows us that the ecological conditions of our country are completely convenient to grow also culture sorts of this species. But the low potential level of our country in production is mostly because of the technical deficiency of producers. Also the difficulties in getting the suitable materials and the insufficiency in adaptation studies according to the agricultural informations are the courses of low potential level in production (Ağaoğlu et al., 1990).

According to Jennings (1988), red raspberries are grown in; Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Northeastern Pacific, Northern America, Southern America, Southern Africa, Italy, Scandiavian Countries, Argentina, New Zealand and Chile; black raspberries are grown in the Eastern parts of Oregon region and Northeastern Pacific; purple raspberries are grown in North parts of Northern America. Besides these, raspberries with yellow fruits are becoming increasingly important throughout the world. These are observed in the fields of red fruit species and formed by the end of mutations.

Sullivan et al. (1994), made researches between 1988 and 1989, in order to designate the fruitfulness in the species of raspberry, at the terms of cultivation in spring and autumn. In these researches, Heritage and Redwing, sorts of culture that gives product in autumn, were used. Apart from its fenological observations, these plants’ pomological observations were also investigated. As a result, in terms of the amounts of the product between the first and second year, it was seen that, there had been 52% increase in second year’s favour.

The growing conditions of Autumn Bliss, Fallred, Heritage, Scepter, September and Zeva Herbsternte, the species of raspberry which give product in autumn (Rubus Idaeus), were investigated. According to the research results, it is found that Autumn Bliss get accustomed to the climate conditions much easier than the other species, when it is compared. It is fixed that, Autumn Bliss’ and Fallred’s harvest periods are wider than the others. It is also fixed that, Heritage, Scepter, September and Zeva Herbsterne species are more fruitfull (Garcelen et al., 1993).

Redalen (1990), made an experiment and as a result he designated the fruitfulness of the Balder species as 335 g/shoot; the weight of the fruit as 3.3 g; the amount of soluble substance as 8.9%. What’s more, it is reported that, the grape doesn’t shelling, their color is dark red, soft and suitable for industry and for harvesting with machine and apart from all of these it is also reported that it gives large amounts of root shoots that develops perpendicularly.

According to a study that has been carried out in Samsun ecological conditions, the soluble substance amounts of species were found as 14.00% (Meeker) - 11.00 (Willamette); in Yalova ecological conditions, the soluble substance amount were found as, 11.63% (Nuburg)- 10.40% (Cola II) (Kaplan et al., 2000; Erenoğlu and Baş, 2000).

Özdemir (2001), In the studies that has been carried on countrywide in Tokat, the place where constitutes a part of the project about raspberry and blackberry adaptation, the species of the raspberry in that region, which we also worked on 11 species of, were investigated. According to averages of the two years; the fruitfulness of the species for each shoot 92.29 g (Bursa Short)-767.84 g (Rubin); the fruit weights 1.14 g (Bursa Short)-2.98 g (Tulameen); soluble substance amount 9.39% (Holland short) - 14.75% Meeker and the total acid amount has been fixed as 13.21 g L–1 (Aksu Red)-20.42 g L–1 (Willamette). According to the findings of the researches, for the region, Willamette, Rubin and Summit are proposed to be the best species of raspberries. Present study was to examine production, quality and phenological criteria of raspberry species which were used for adaptation experiments in Ayaş condition in Ankara as a part of adaptation and breeding projects carried out in Turkey.


The study between the years of 2002-2005, was carried out in Ayaş (Ankara), the field where raspberry species such as Cola II, Rubin, Summit, Meeker, Holland Short, Heritage I, Heritage II, Tulameen, Aksu Red, Nuburg, Canby and Willamette were planted with 1.5x2 m spaces. The phenological observations and plant characteristics and pomological characteristics of raspberry species were investigated and compared with each other. What’s more, it was searched whether the single or double product of Heritage is more economical.

After the experiment, data which include the features such as soluble substances weight, total acid were analyzed with randomized complete design (one-way). When features were statistically significant, different between two species were evaluated with Duncan Multiple Comparison test and Kruskal Wallis Test was used for the features having discrete measurement (Düzgüneş et al., 1983).

Phenological observations: Swelling date of vegetative buds, burst date of vegetative buds, appearing date of flower clusters, first flowering, last flowering, first fruit formation date, first harvest date, last harvest date, end of maturity and leaf shedding date criteria were investigated.

Plant characteristics: The number of shoots for each plant, height of shoot, diameter of shoot and the average fruitfulness criteria for each shoot were investigated.

Pomological characteristics: Weight of fruit, color of fruit, shape of fruit, shelling, toughness of fruit, taste of fruit, aroma, the soluble substance that can be soluted in water, acids criteria were investigated.


Phenological observations: When the fenologies of raspberry species are investigated, which are grown in Ayaş (Ankara) ecology; it is found that, the swelling date of vegetative buds is between the middle of March and first of April, the burst date of vegetative buds is between the first of April and end of April, appearing date of flower clusters is between the end of April and first of May. The first flowering is in the middle of May and the last flowering is between the end of May and the first of June. It is also fixed that the first fruit maturing is at the first of June and the first harvesting is between the end of June and the first of July. Besides it was seen that, the last harvesting is in the middle of August and the finish of maturity is at the end of August. The shedding of the leaves were also seen to be at the end of November.

The results can be similar or different; because the fenological observations can change especially at the time of flowering, depending on the sort and ecology (Ağaoğlu et al., 2001). After observing these results, no negative ecological effects were come across in growing raspberries, in Ayaş (Ankara).

Table 1:
Plant Characteristics of Raspberry species belonging the year of 2002
*The values with different letter(s) differ significantly at p<0.05

Table 2:
Plant characteristics of Raspberry species belonging the year of 2003
*The values with different letter(s) differ significantly at p<0.05

Table 3:
Plant characteristics of Raspberry species belonging the year of 2004
*The values with different letter(s) differ significantly at p<0.05

Table 4:
Plant characteristics of Raspberry species belonging the year of 2005
*The values with different letter(s) differ significantly at p<0.05

Plant characteristics: Number of shoots and the factors like fruitfulness can change depending on the ecology. What’s more, variety features are effective on this issue (Hall, 1990). For raspberry species, different results were found when the herbal features of 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 are compared (Table 1-4).

When the conditions of Ayaş (Ankara) evaluated from the point of the fruitfulness of raspberries between the years of 2002-2005, at first, there are Willamette, Tulameen, Heritage species. As the second group there are Summit, Canby and Aksu Red and as the third group there are Rubin, Nuburg and Holland Short species. Cola II and Meeker species are known not to give fruit in terms of economy, in the conditions of Ayaş (Ankara) (Table 5).

When the species which give both spring and autumn product are compared, the first is Heritage, the second is Summit and the third is Holland Short (Table 6). When Heritage I and Heritage II are compared, from Heritage II, we can take both spring and autumn product, but from Heritage I, we can only take double product (Table 6).

Pomological characteristics: When we looked the pomologic features of raspberry species between the years of 2002-2005, we didn’t come across with change in fruit, in terms of the color, shape, shelling, toughness, taste and aroma (Table 7).

When we look at the weight of the fruits between the years of 2002-2005, we can find that the species which owns the heaviest fruit is Willamette, the species which owns the softest fruit is Summit (Table 8).

Between the years of 2002-2005, when we look at the soluble substance amounts of raspberry species, the species that has the most soluble substance is Willamette and the species that has the least soluble substance is Summit (Table 9).

When we look at the acid rate in the species between the years of 2002-2005, we can see that the species which has the most acid, is Willamette; and the species which has the least acid is Tulameen (Table 10).

Table 5: Fruitfulness of raspberry species for each shoot in 2002-2005
*The species that cannot be taken any product

Table 6: Fruitfulness of raspberry species, which give autumn product, for each shoot in 2002-2005

Table 7: Pomological characteristics of raspberry species in 2002-2005
*Species that cannot be taken any product economically

Table 8: Fruit weights of raspberry species in 2002-2005
*Species that cannot be taken any product economically

Table 9: Soluble substance amounts of raspberry species in 2002-2005
*Species that cannot be taken any product economically

Table 10: Total acid rate of the raspberry species in 2002-2005
*Species that cannot be taken any product economically

Examined in all Tables, it could be said as to this study that in point of plant characteristics, phenological observations and, pomological characteristics, the cultivars having superior values were Willamette, Summit, Tulameen, respectively. Besides, the best cultivar in both Spring and Autumn were Heritage. It was reported that the values of the fruit weight of Tulameen, Willamette and Meeker cultivars in Canada conditions between 1986-1989 years were ranged from 3.40 to 5.38 g (Daubeny and Anderson, 1991). However, as to Table 8, corresponding value for all cultivars between 2002 and 2005 were found as 1.04-2.99. It could be suggest that the difference was due to climate, ecology and various years.

As shown in Table 6, Heritage was determined the best of fruitfulness of raspberry species, which give autumn product, for each shoot in 2002- 2005. The finding was consistent with results of the experiment carried out in Washington (Dale et al., 2001).Thus, the adaptation of the cultivar was more superior and better to others.


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