Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2001 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 937-939
DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2001.937.939
Effect of Nitrogen Rate and Time of Leaf Cutting on Green Fodder as Well as Seed Yield of Rice
M. Ahmed, F. Ahmed, M.S. H. Molla, M. D. Hossain and B.M. Z. Rahman

Abstract: The experiment was conducted with three nitrogen levels (N1-50 kg N ha –1, N2-75 kg N ha–1, N3-100 kg N ha–1) and four times of leaf cutting (C0-no cutting, C1-cutting at 21 DAT-Day After Transplanting, C2-cutting at 35 DAT and C3-cutting at 49 DAT) to find the possibility of production of rice for green fodder as well as seed. Nitrogen levels exhibited their difference in almost all crop characters. The plant height, number of total tillers hill–1, green forage, forage dry matter, cumulative straw yield, number of productive tillers hill–1, number of non-bearing tillers hill–1, number of total spikelets panicle–1, number of grains panicle–1, number of sterile spikelets panicle–1, grain yield and straw yield were found to be highest with the highest level of nitrogen. Panicle length and 1000-grain weight did not vary with nitrogen levels. The values of these characters were found to be lowest with the lowest level of nitrogen (50 kg N ha–1). Harvest index was the highest at moderate level of nitrogen (75 kg N ha–1). Time of leaf cutting had significant influence on all the parameter studied. Plant height, number of total tillers hill–1, cumulative straw yield, number of productive tillers hill–1, number of non-bearing tillers hill–1, number of total spikelets panicle–1, number of grains panicle–1, number of sterile spikelets panicle 1, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and straw yield were found to be highest for no leaf cutting which was statistically similar to cutting at 21 DAT but 1000-grain weight was also similar to cutting at 35 DAT and lowest for cutting at 49 DAT. Amount of green forage and forage dry matter were highest for cutting at 49 DAT. It may be concluded that there is a tremendous possibility to get green forage and grain or seed from the same rice plant.

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How to cite this article
M. Ahmed, F. Ahmed, M.S. H. Molla, M. D. Hossain and B.M. Z. Rahman, 2001. Effect of Nitrogen Rate and Time of Leaf Cutting on Green Fodder as Well as Seed Yield of Rice. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 4: 937-939.

Keywords: Rice, seed, green fodder, leaf cutting and nitrogen


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