Journal of Software Engineering

Year: 2014 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 100-107
DOI: 10.3923/jse.2014.100.107
An Efficient Algorithm of Service Discovery Based on Service Clusters
JunJing Gai and YuYue Du

Abstract: A service discovery algorithm based on service clusters is proposed in this study. By using ontology and Petri nets, the formal definition of services is given and service clusters are formally represented as service cluster net units. The usefulness of the algorithm is demonstrated by an experiment.

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How to cite this article
JunJing Gai and YuYue Du, 2014. An Efficient Algorithm of Service Discovery Based on Service Clusters. Journal of Software Engineering, 8: 100-107.

Keywords: service discovery, Petri net, service cluster and algorithm


With the development of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), the number of services is becoming larger and larger. Due to the growth of Web services, service discovery faces a huge challenge.

The semantic Web Service can describethe function of services. The service matching based on semantic description can understand the semantic information of services and service requests well and improve theaccuracy of semantics.

Mass services in a libraryare clustered by using the clustering technology. The functions of the services in a cluster are similar. However, the functions of the services in several different clusters are highly dissimilar. The service clustering can improve the accuracyof the serviceclassification and reduce the size of service searching. Therefore it can improve the efficiency of service discovery.

Petrinets are atool for modeling and analysisof distributed systems and have the strict mathematical definition and the ability of graphic expression. It can effectively describe the information processing systems with concurrency and uncertainty. Service clusters have the nature of parameter uncertainty. Petrinets will be used to describe and analyze service clusters in the study.

With the wideapplication ofsemantic Web, the service discovery methods is researched extensively based on semanticdescription. In Pan and Zhang (2009), a service discovery method is proposed and it improves the performance of services by combining the syntax and semantics. In Wu et al. (2005), a service discovery method is proposed based on ontology and semantic similarity. The semantic similarity of services is discussed by constructing service ontology. They can improve the accuracy of the service discoveryfrom theperspective of semantics. But the efficiency of service discovery is not increased. And the service compositions satisfied a service request can not be found by previous methods efficiently.

The efficiency of the traditional service discovery is enhanced in this study. Services are described based on semantics and they are clustered by semantic similarity (Rajagopal and Selvi, 2006). Through clustering services, the searching scale can be reduced greatly. Service clusters are described formally and service cluster net units are introduced. By using service cluster net units proposed in this study, the services can be quickly found. And service compositions can be built efficiently. The efficiency and the accuracy of service discovery are greatly improved.

In this study, R is a matrix and Rp represents the p’th row of R. Rp(q) is the q’th value in the p’th row of R. When p = 1, the q’th value in the first row of R can be expressed by R (q).


Ontology and Petri nets are briefly reviewed in this section. In this study, N is a natural number set, i.e., N = {0, 1, 2, …}; Nk = {0, 1, 2, …, k}; N+= N\{0}; and Nk+=Nk\{0}.

Ontology can be represented as an oriented tree, an ontology tree. The nodes of the ontology tree represent concepts.Connections between the nodes correspond to the semantic concepts.

Definition 1 (Semantic similarity): Concepts X and Y are similar in the semantics if and only if X and Y are synonymous, or the similarity of X and Y is higher than a certain value.

Definition 2 (Ontology concept set): An ontology concept set is a set of some ontology concepts, represented by C = {c1, c2, …, cn}, where ci is an ontology concept, n∈N+, i∈Nn+.

Petri nets can not only describe the structure of a system but also simulate the operation of the system (Du et al., 2008). Petri nets (Murata, 1989) are defined as follow.

Definition 3 (Petri net): N = (S, T; F) is a net where:

Dom(F)∪cod(F) = S∪T, where dom(F) = {x∈ S∪T=∃y∈ S∪T: (x, y) ∈F} and cod(F) = { x∈ S∪T=∃y∈ S∪T: (y, x) ∈F}

Petri nets are used to describe services and service clusters in this study.


The formal description of Web services can be given from Definition 1.

Definition 4 (Web service): A service can be represented by WS = (BI, SF, I, O, QoS) where:

BI is the basic information of a service
SF is the functions of a service
I is the input set of a service and ∀i∈I, i = (i.concept, i.value) where:
  i.concept is the ontology concept corresponding to the input parameter
  i.value = {0, 1}, i.value = 0 represents the input parameter can not be given and i.value =1 represents the input parameter can be given
O is the output set of a service and ∀o∈O, o = (o.concept, o.value) where:
  o.concept is the ontology concept corresponding to the output parameter
  o.value = {0, 1}, o.value = 0 represents the output parameter can not be obtained and o.value = 1 represents the output parameter can be obtained and
QoS is the quality of the servic

In Definition 4, BI includes the service name, the service provider, etc. QoS includes the response time, the price, etc. Similarly, a service request can be defined as follow.

Definition 5 (Service request): SR = {SFr, Ir, Or, QoSr} is a service request where:

Sfr is the functions needed to be obtained
Ir is the set of the input request. ∀ir∈ Ir, ir = (ir.concept, ir.value)
Or is the output set of the request and ∀or∈ Or, or = (or.concept, or.value) and
QoSr is the set of the qualities needed to be obtained

To improve the efficiency of service discovery, service clusters are proposed. Services are clustered (Skoutas et al., 2010) according to their functions. The services with similar functions are in a same cluster. Petri nets can describe the uncertainty and concurrency of a service cluster. By Definition 3, the formal description of service clusters can be defined as follow.

Definition 6 (Service cluster net unit): CNU = {CF, tu, Iu, Ou,Fu} is a service net unit where:

CF is the function of the service cluster
tu is the transition of a service cluster net unit
Iu is the input parameter set of the services in the service cluster and ∀iu∈ Iu, iu = (iu.concept, iu.lable) where:
  iu.concept is the ontology concept corresponding to the input parameter
  iu.lable is an nx1 matrix where n is the number of the services in the service cluster and iu.lable is the value corresponding to iu.concept for a service
Ou is t he output parameter set of the services in the service cluster and ∀ou∈ Ou, ou = (ou.concept, ou.value) where:
  ou.concept is the ontology concept corresponding to the output parameter
  ou.lable is an nx1 matrix where n is the number of the services in the service cluster andou.lable is the value corresponding to ou.concept for a service; and
Fu ⊆(Iuxtu)∪(tuxOu) is a set of directed arcs

Example 1: There exists three services: ws1, ws2 and ws3, where ws1 = {(i1,departure, 1), (i2, date, 1), (i3, arrival, 1), (i4, ID, 1), (o1, time, 1), (o2, price, 1), (o3, fightno, 1)}, ws2 = {(i1,departure, 1), (i2, date, 1), (i3, arrival, 1), (o1, time, 1), (o2, price, 1)} and ws3 = {(i1, departure, 1), (i2, date, 1), (i3, arrival, 1), (i4, type, 1), (o1, time, 1), (o2, price, 1), (o3, flightno, 1), (o4, flighttype, 1)}. The service cluster net unit can be shown in Fig. 1.

In Fig. 1, Iu and Ou are two matrices and they are called the input matrix and the output matrix. In an input matrix, the input parameters of services in a service cluster are numbered and each row is the values corresponding to the input parameters.

By service cluster net units, the scale of service discovery is greatly reduced and the efficiency of service searching can be improved. While by the formal description of service clusters, a novel service discovery algorithm can be proposed to further improve the efficiency.

Fig. 1: A service cluster net unit


A service discovery algorithm based on service clusters is proposed in this section. Firstly, a service cluster discovery algorithm is presented to reduce the searching scale based on service clusters. Then, a service matching algorithm is given to reduce the difficulty of the service discovery and a service discovery algorithm in the service cluster is shown to further improve the efficiency of the searching services. A service composition algorithm is proposed to search the service compositions satisfying a service request. In the follow, the service satisfying a service request is called an atomic service.

In the study, the number of services is n, the number of the service clusters is w and the number of the services in the service cluster is m, n∈ N+, w, m∈ Nn+. Let the services be Wsi = (BIi, SFi, Ii, Oi, QoSi) and the number of input and output parameters are ni and no respectively. CNUk = {CFk, tuk, Iuk, Ouk, Fuk} is a service cluster net unit, i∈ Nn+, k∈ Nw+. A service request is sr = {sfr, ir, or, qosr}. In the next algorithms, Iuk, Ouk, ir and or are represented as matrices. And Iuk is an mxni matrix. Ouk is an mxno matrix. ir is an 1xni matrix. or is an 1xno matrix. Iukp is the p’th row of the matrix Iuk. Iukp(q) is the q’th value in the p’th row of the matrix Iuk.

A matching algorithm is proposed first in this subsection.

Algorithm 1: A service cluster discovery algorithm

From Algorithm 1, the searching scale can be reduced a lot. The searching number without service clusters is n. The searching number of Algorithm 1 is w. And w≤n, the efficiency of the service discovery can be improved.

The process of the matching services is very important in the process of the service discovery. Services can be found by a determination as long as the services can satisfy a certain matching conditions. A novel service matching algorithm is proposed as follow.

Algorithm 2: A service matching algorithm

Algorithm 2 is a service matching algorithm based on service cluster net units. The time complexity of Algorithm 2 is mxni2+mxno2.

Matrix A is called the input matching matrix and matrix B is called the output matching matrix. A p1(q1) = 1 means the q1’th parameter can be satisfied by the service ws p1 and B p2(q2) = 1 means the q2’th parameter can be satisfied by the service ws p2. Then if Ap1=, the service can satisfy ir and if Bp2 =, the service can satisfy or. The services can be discovered by a certain determination. A service discovery algorithm is needed.

A service discovery algorithm is represented first in this subsection.

Algorithm 3: A service discovery algorithm

The required services can be discovered according to Algorithm 3. In Algorithm 3, the output services in set S are that their corresponding rows of A are:

and corresponding rows of B are:

That means the service request can be satisfied by the services in the set S. The searching number of Algorithm 3 is mxni+mx no.

In a service cluster, one service may not satisfy a service request. However, a composition of several services may satisfy the service request. Service compositions conclude the parallel composition and the serialcomposition. In this study it is assumed that the granularity of service clusters is small enough and the situations of serial compositions do not exist.

From Algorithm 2, A p1(q1) = 0 means the input parameter q1 is not satisfied in the service request. In other words, the service can not be fired in the service request. It is assumed that compositions with v services need to be found, v∈Nm+. A service composition discovery algorithm is proposed as follow.

Algorithm 4: A service composition discovery algorithm

By Algorithm 4, the service compositions can be discovered. And when v = 1, Algorithm 4 areequivalentto Algorithm 3.


This section describes the experiments to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. 500 servicesabout buying books online are selected from UDDI server. And the services are registered on the local server as experimental subjects. To avoid thechanciness of results, this entire experiment is repeated 100 times.

Fig. 2: Efficiency of 5 service numbers

Two experiments are done. The first experiment is atomic service discovery and the second experiment is to search service compositions of two services. The two experiments are done by a traditional algorithm (Elgazzar et al., 2010) and the algorithm in this study.

Figure 2 shows the results of searching services in both the traditional algorithm and in the algorithm proposed in this study. The horizontal axis is the number of services and the vertical axis is the respond time. Two lines represent the results of the first experiment and another two lines represent the results of the second experiment. The traditional algorithm is represented as “traditional” and the algorithm proposed in this study is represented as “new”. In the follow analysis, the respond timeiscontrarytothe searching efficiency.

Several expected results can be found by observing Fig. 1. First, the efficiency of the algorithm proposed in this study is clearly higher than that of the traditional algorithm. Second, the efficiency is decline with the increase in the number of services. Third, the efficiency of searching service compositions is slower than that of the atomic service discovery.


A service discovery algorithm is proposed in this study. Both atomic services and service compositions can be found by the algorithm proposed in this study. And the validity of the algorithm is demonstrated by an experiment. And by the comparativeanalysis, the efficiency of service discovery can be improved a lot. The method of searching service composition can be used in the research of service composition. And service cluster net units proposed in this study can be used to analyze and study service composition and service substitution.


This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61170078 and 61173042; the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant 2010CB328101; the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of the Specialized Research Fund of China under Grant 20113718110004; Basic Research Program of Qingdao City of China under Grant 13-1-4-116-jch; the SDUST Research Fund of China under Grant 2011KYTD102 and Graduate Innovation Foundation of Shandong University of Science and Technology under Grant No. YC130323.


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