Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2006 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 130-134
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2006.130.134
Influence of Ice Storage on Raw Materials for the Production of High Quality Dried Fish Products
M. S. Reza, K. M. Azimuddin, M. N. Islam and M. Kamal

Abstract: Studies were conducted to evaluate the influence of ice storage on the raw materials for the production of high quality dried fish products in solar tunnel dryer by determining organoleptic, biochemical and bacteriological aspects. Fresh fish samples of silver jew fish, Bombay duck, big-eye tuna, Chinese pomfret and ribbon fish were collected from the landing centre of Cox`s Bazar and stored in ice for 13 days. During the storage period, required quantity of fish samples were taken out every three days for drying in a Hohenheim type solar tunnel dryer. The quality of the raw materials during storage and corresponding dried products produced in the dryer were evaluated. One day ice stored raw materials exhibited excellent quality on the basis of odour, colour, appearance and consistency of flesh. However, the overall organoleptic qualities of all samples were acceptable conditions up to 10 days of ice storage. Four days ice stored raw materials produced excellent quality of dried products in the solar dryer, while the dried products produced from 10 days of ice stored fishes were also found acceptable qualities judged by their characteristic colour, odour, texture, infestation and broken pieces. There were little or no changes in initial moisture content of 70.5 to 89.1% in raw materials during 13 days of ice storage. The initial total volatile base, peroxide value and aerobic plate count of the raw materials were 2.37 to 5.15 mg N (100 g)-1, 1.27 to 2.81 m eq kg-1 oil and 2.75 x 102 to 2.0 x 103 CFU g-1, respectively, which increased considerably beyond the acceptable limits after 13 days of ice storage. The moisture content of the dried products prepared from various days of ice stored fish samples were in the range of 15.9 to 16.4% which were within the acceptable limit. The TVB-N, peroxide and APC values of the dried products produced from up to 10 days of ice stored raw materials were found within the limit of acceptable levels, which increased beyond the acceptable limits when raw materials stored up to 13 days in ice were used to produce solar tunnel dried fish products.

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How to cite this article
M. S. Reza, K. M. Azimuddin, M. N. Islam and M. Kamal, 2006. Influence of Ice Storage on Raw Materials for the Production of High Quality Dried Fish Products. Journal of Biological Sciences, 6: 130-134.

Keywords: Ice storage, solar tunnel dryer, total volatile base, aerobic plate count and acceptable limit


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