Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2005 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 153-157
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2005.153.157
Histological Study During Hepatocarciniogenesis in Rats Treated With Strobilanthes crispus Extract
S. Yogespiriya, P. Hanachi, I. Patimah, R. Asmah and O. Fauziah

Abstract: This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of 5% (w/v) Strobilanthes crispus extract on rat liver during chemically induced hepatocarcinogenesis. Histological evaluation of liver was conducted to observe the cellular and morphological changes during hepatocarcinogenesis treated with Strobilanthes crispus. The histological evaluation revealed that a certain grade of inflammation or necrosis at portal and lobular region and stages of fibrosis during hepatocarcinogenesis was successfully reduced after administration of Strobilanthes crispus extract. However, these changes did not fully recovered by supplementation of Strobilanthes crispus to normal histological features of liver. This could be due to a short experimental duration and in addition, the supplementation of this extract to normal rat did not show any changes in normal hepatocytes. Thus, Strobilanthes crispus can be considered as a potential chemopreventive agent.

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How to cite this article
S. Yogespiriya, P. Hanachi, I. Patimah, R. Asmah and O. Fauziah, 2005. Histological Study During Hepatocarciniogenesis in Rats Treated With Strobilanthes crispus Extract. Journal of Biological Sciences, 5: 153-157.

Keywords: Strobilanthes crisrus, hepatocingenesis, lesion score and light microscopy


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