Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2013 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 21 | Page No.: 4386-4392
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2013.4386.4392
Design and Realization of Personal Internet Banking System Based on Multi-tier Architecture
Zhang Li

Abstract: The emergence of Personal internet banking is changing people’s way of life and working. It decreases the cost of production and operation essentially. But the co-existence of security and usability is a hard and complicated problem to solve. This article raised a personal internet banking system based on the structure of jQuery EasyUI+Struts+Spring+Mybatis. Firstly, in terms of usability it adopted the technique which combined jquery and esayui together, therefore, the front desk of Windows is Metro style that users only need to do few buttons-operations, then the operations can be done. Lastly, in the background desk it adopted Struts+Spring+Mybatis to enforce the maintainability and extensibility of Personal internet banking system.

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How to cite this article
Zhang Li , 2013. Design and Realization of Personal Internet Banking System Based on Multi-tier Architecture. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13: 4386-4392.

Keywords: Personal internet banking system, multi-tier architecture, UML modeling, three layer of approval and transfer the remittance


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