Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2013 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 16 | Page No.: 3354-3357
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2013.3354.3357
Study on Optimization Method of Aircraft Maintenance Plan Based on Longest Path
Jia Baohui, Xu Chunhui and Li Yaohua

Abstract: From the point of view of saving costs and increasing revenue of airlines, the optimization model of Aircraft Maintenance is established based on the objective function of maximizing the airline fleet aircraft utilization, the longest path heuristic algorithm is introduced, with the description of the initialization, allocation and assessment of the algorithm on details and the optimization model based on this algorithm using specific data from the airline is solved. It demonstrates the significance and practical meaning of this method.

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How to cite this article
Jia Baohui, Xu Chunhui and Li Yaohua, 2013. Study on Optimization Method of Aircraft Maintenance Plan Based on Longest Path. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13: 3354-3357.

Keywords: Maintenance plan, optimization model and the longest path heuristic algorithm


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