Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2009 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 759-764
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2009.759.764
Combining Several PBS-LMS Filters as a General Form of Convex Combination of Two Filters
A. Fathiyan and M. Eshghi

Abstract: Combination approaches can improve the performance of adaptive filters. Recently a convex combination of adaptive filters was proposed to improve the performance of LMS algorithm. Our proposal in this study is to use the PBS-LMS algorithm instead of LMS algorithm in the structure of convex combination. Our simulations showed that this structure not only has the optimality of first one, but also, it has the features of PBS-LMS algorithm such as regularity. By using PBS-LMS algorithm in this structure we saved in total number of samples needed by filter to converge about 22.2%, for example the fast filter converged to the steady state in 352 samples, the slow one in 397 samples and the overall filter in 309 samples. Also, this scheme was generalized, combining multiple PBS-LMS filters with different adaptation step sizes.

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How to cite this article
A. Fathiyan and M. Eshghi, 2009. Combining Several PBS-LMS Filters as a General Form of Convex Combination of Two Filters. Journal of Applied Sciences, 9: 759-764.

Keywords: PBS-LMS algorithm, Adaptive filters and convex combination


The Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm has been extensively used in many applications due to its simplicity and robustness (Haykin, 2002). There are two main difficulties concerning LMS algorithm. The first arises in situations with a high eigenvalue spread in the correlation matrix of the input process. The second difficulty is the inherent balance between speed of convergence and final misadjustment in stationary situations that is imposed by the selection of a certain value for the adaptation step size (Arenas-García et al., 2003).

To solve the second problem some previous articles try to improve the speed vs precision balance by using non-quadratic error functions [e.g. the Least Mean Fourth (LMF) algorithm (Walach and Widrow, 1984)] that get a faster convergence. Martínez-Ramón et al. (2002) combined one fast and one slow LMS filters with the objective of getting the advantages of both of them: Fast convergence and good tracking capabilities from the fast LMS filter and reduced steady-state error from the slow one. The mean-square performance of this structure have been studied by Arenas-García et al. (2006). In particular, they showed that the combination filter structure is universal (Singer and Feder, 1999; Merhav and Feder, 1998) in the sense that it performs, in the mean-square error sense, as well as the best of its components. Arenas-García et al. (2003) proposed to use multiple filters in this structure which is the natural extension of the convex combination of two LMS filters (CLMS) of Martínez-RamAn et al. (2002). Zhang and Chambers (2006) used this combination for the first time together with the fractional tap-length method to solve the optimal filter tap-length search problem in a high noise environment, where, SNR≤0 dB.

Our proposal in this study is to use PBS-LMS algorithm (Eshghi and DeGroat, 1995) instead of LMS algorithm in the structure of this convex combination. PBS-LMS algorithm (parallel binary structured-LMS) is a parallel algorithm for implementing adaptive filters. The basic advantage of this algorithm over other parallel algorithms is that in those algorithms coefficient vector is updated at any time step, but in PBS-LMS algorithm the coefficient vector is updated after s time steps. Therefore by applying this algorithm the number of calculations for updating coefficient vector decreases significantly and speedup increases (Majdar and Eshghi, 2004).


Convex combination of adaptive filters: The CLMS filter (Martínez-RamAn et al., 2002) uses a convex combination of the weights of the two LMS filters as shown in Fig. 1. The output signals and the output errors of both filters are combined in such a way that the advantages of both component filters are retained: the rapid convergence from the fast filter and the reduced steady-state error from the slow filter. The output of the overall filter is:

Fig. 1: The structure of convex combination of two LMS filters


where, yi (n) = wiT (n)x(n) and wi(n), x(n) and λ(n) are the adaptive filter weight vector, input vector and mixing scalar parameter for i = 1, 2 respectively. The idea is that if λ(n) is assigned appropriate values at each iteration, then the above combination would extract the best properties of the individual filters w1(n) and w2(n). Both filters operate completely decoupled from each other, using standard LMS adaptation rules:


where, ei(n) is the error produced by each filter at time step n, i.e., ei(n) = d(n) – wiT (n)x(n) and d(n) is the desired output.

The CLMS filter uses a convex combination of the weights of the two LMS filters:


where, parameter λ(n) is kept in interval [0, 1] by defining it as:


The combination parameter is adapted to minimize the error of the overall adaptive filter, also using LMS adaptation rule:


In the above equation, μa must be fixed to a value much higher than μ1 so, the combination is adapted even faster than the fastest of the LMS filters. Note that the update of a(n) in Eq. 5 stops whenever λ(n) is too close to the limit value of zero or one. To overcome this problem, we shall restrict the values of a(n) to lie inside a symmetric interval [-a+, a+], which limits the permissible range of λ(n) to [1-λ+, λ+], where, λ+ = sgm(a+) is a constant close to one. In this way, a minimum level of adaptation is always guaranteed.

This scheme has a very simple interpretation: in situations where a high speed would be desirable, the fast LMS will outperform the slow one, making λ(n) approaches towards 1 and weq(n)≈w1(n). However, in stationary intervals, it is the slow filter which operates better, making λ(n) get close to 0 and weq(n)≈w2(n).

It is possible to further improve the performance of the basic combination algorithm by using the good convergence properties of the fast filter to speed up the convergence of the slow LMS filter. Arenas-García et al. (2003) did this by step-by-step transferring a part of weight vector w1 to w2. So, in this case, the adaptation rule for the slow filter becomes:


The weight transfer must only be applied when the fast LMS is performing significantly better than the slow one.

Although the CLMS algorithm requires the introduction of some extra parameters, we will see that their selection is very easy and is not critical and optimal values are not very dependent on the particular concrete scenario in which the filter is being applied by Arenas-García et al. (2003).

PBS-LMS algorithm: Eshghi and DeGroat (1995) describe the PBS-LMS algorithm. This algorithm is a parallel form of the LMS algorithm.

Fig. 2: Transversal adaptive filter

In this method instead of updating weight vector at any iteration, we reformulate the updating formula of the LMS algorithm in such a way that we will be able to calculate the weight vector at time n+s with respect to the weight vector at time n. Now suppose that there is a transversal filter of order M, as depicted in Fig. 2. The output of this filter at time n is:


If d(n) denotes the desired output at time n, then the error at this time is defined as:


The difference vector for s step update, Δw(n+s), is defined as:


The look-ahead error p is defined as:


The weighted input vector is defined as:


where, Br is an ordered set of integer numbers which indicate the positions of l’s in the binary presentation of positive number r.

The scalar c is defined as:


For any positive number r, cr is the set of all pairs of adjacent elements of Br when it has more than one element, i.e., ||Br|| > 1. If br has only one element, i.e., ||Br|| = 1, then cr is NULL.

Fig. 3: The block diagram of PBS-LMS algorithm

The PBS-LMS algorithm is as follows:

Let ar and br be the smallest and the largest elements of Br, respectively, i.e., ar = min(Br) and br = max(Br)
For all numbers r with s bits:
Assign p(n+ar) for the right most 1 in the number at position
Assign for he left most 1 in the number at position
Calculate vector vr:


Add all vr’s from r = 1 to r = 2s – 1 and obtain the difference vector, Δw(n+s) as:


Then calculate the weight vector for s step update, i.e., w(n+s), as:


The block diagram of the algorithm is shown in Fig. 3.

The calculations that must be performed in each block are as follows:

In the X block the terms are calculated as:


In the C block the c coefficients are computed as:


In the P block p’s are calculated as:


In the D block vr’s are computed and summed to produce.


Present proposal is to use the PBS-LMS algorithm in the convex combination structure to utilize the properties of this algorithm. The proposed algorithm has a parallel structure in two senses. One is the sense that it updates the weight vector for s step ahead. The second sense is the effect of two filters that are working in parallel. The structure of proposed scheme is shown in Fig. 4.

To show the effectiveness of our algorithm, we carried out computer simulation. Two filters are used with different step sizes, one with large step size and the other with a small step size. As the input for both filters, we use a random process with different eigenvalue spreads.

To produce this random process, a random variable u(k) is applied to an Auto Regressive (AR) filter. u(k) is a Gaussian white noise random variable with zero mean and variance of σu. The AR filter has a transfer function (Eshghi and DeGroat, 1995) in the form of:


The output of the AR filter is a zero mean random process (RP), x(k). The variance of the random process, σx, is σx = ρσx where:


In order to have zero mean, unity variance RP, the variance of the white noise u(k) is selected to be:


Fig. 4: The structure of proposed scheme

The 2x2 correlation matrix of the above filter has two eigenvalues. These eigenvalues are:




The eigenvalue spread of the correlation matrix is defined as:


which is a function of filter variables a and b. By choosing a constant value for a, b is calculated in order to have a defined eigenvalue spread. In our experiment, we select the large step size μ1 = 0.02, the small step size μs = 0.005, the step size of mixing scalar parameter μa = 20, the tap weight vector of PMS-LMS of order of M = 8 and the look-ahead s = 4. The eigenvalue spread is considered to be Λ = 10. The MSE (Mean Square Error) is shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 5a, depicts the MSE of the slow filter, Fig. 5b shows the MSE of the fast filter and Fig. 5c the MSE of the convex combination. The results show that the error of the slow filter is less than the fast one. On the other hand the fast filter converges to the steady state faster than the slow one. The overall filter, i.e., the convex combination of two filters, has the features of both filters; it has less error than the fast filter and converges to the steady state faster than the slow one. For example to reach an MSD (mean square distortion) of order of 0.001, with a random process of eigenvalue spread of 10, 426 samples is needed in slow filter, 368 samples in fast one and 317 samples in the overall filter, hence saving 25.6% of samples. The results are summarized in Table 1 and 2.

Fig. 5: The error of (a) the slow filter (b) the fast filter and (c) the convex combination of two filters

Combining several PBS-LMS filters: The main topic of this study is the extension of the C-PBS-LMS (convex combination of two PBS-LMS adaptive filters) algorithm to allow the combination of an arbitrary number of individual filters as depicted in Fig. 6. When doing so, the weight vector of the combined M-C-PBS-LMS algorithm becomes:


L being the total number of PBS-LMS filters that are placed into the combination and withe weight vector of the i-th PBS-LMS filter with μi adaption step size (as before, μ12>...>μL). As we previously explained for the CLMS algorithm, the L component filters operate, in principle, completely decoupled and adapted using standard LMS rule.

Table 1: Number of samples for convergence of MSE=0.001 in different adaptive filters

Table 2: Percentage of improvement of the proposed scheme over other algorithms

Fig. 6: Combining several PBS-LMS filters

During the derivation of the CLMS algorithm, we were able to see the importance of using a convex combination and limiting the values of λ(n) for the good performance of the algorithm. Similarly, in this case we will use a softmax activation function to obtain the weights assigned to each individual filter:


which guarantees that 0≤λi (n)≤1 and

The adaption rule for the mixing parameters is:



In this study, an approach is presented to use the convex structure to solve the problem of inherent trade-off between convergence speed and misadjustment in the PBS-LMS algorithm (Eshghi and DeGroat, 1995) and also it generalized to use multiple filters in this structure rather than using two filters. Simulation results were given to support the effectiveness of this method.


This study was supported by Iran Telecommunication Research Center (ITRC).


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