Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2007 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 20 | Page No.: 2988-2996
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2007.2988.2996
Algebraic Structure of Lattices of SK Partitions
Shanaz Ansari Wahid, Norris Sookoo and Ashok Sahai

Abstract: In the context of Complexity Reduction in Lattice-Based Information Retrieval, the reduction process must preserve the algebraic structure of a lattice. The SK (Sharma-Kaushik)-Lattices are known to be of high applicational value. Hence the present study is aimed at detailing the `Algebraic Structure of SK-Lattice. In the context of Information-Theoretic approach to coding, the n-tuples of integers are relevant. Therefore, the Algebraic properties are obtained for lattices of SK-partitions, which are characterized as n-tuples of integers. Such lattices are shown to satisfy the Jordan-Dedekind chain condition and the modular-identity. Right residuals and deficits are also considered.

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How to cite this article
Shanaz Ansari Wahid, Norris Sookoo and Ashok Sahai, 2007. Algebraic Structure of Lattices of SK Partitions. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7: 2988-2996.

Keywords: Jordan-Dedekind chain condition, algebraic structure of a lattice, Lattice-based information retrieval, Modular identity and Sharma-Kaushik partition lattices


In the context of Complexity Reduction in Lattice-Based Information Retrieval (Ming and Wang, 2005), the reduction process must preserve the algebraic structure of a lattice (Kalinin and Spatzier, 2005; Karen and Vogel, 2005). The SK (Sharma-Kaushik)-Lattices are known to be of high applicational value. Hence the present study is aimed at detailing the algebraic structure of SK-lattice. In the context of Information-Theoretic approach to coding, the n-tuples of integers are relevant. Therefore, the Algebraic properties are obtained for lattices of SK-partitions, which are characterized as n-tuples of integers.

Lattices of sets have been studied to a significant extent. Lachlan (1968) investigated the lattice of recursively enumerable sets and characterized the hh-simple sets as co-infinite r.e. sets whose r.e. sets form a Boolean algebra. The lattice of partitions of a set is also a topic of interest. Haiman (1994) presented a construction realising a continuous partition lattice as a lattice of measurable partitions.

SK-partitions were introduced by Sharma and Kaushik (1977), in connection with metrics in Coding Theory. SK-partitions can be characterized as n-tuples of integers and so a lattice of SK-partitions can hence be considered to be a lattice of sets of n-tuples. We show that a lattice of SK-partitions satisfy the well-known Modular Identity and Jordan-Dedekind Chain Condition (Stern, 1999) and is a cl-semigroup. We also obtain conditions satisfied by the right-residual and deficit of SK-partitions and present a condition for the existence of a certain right residual. Most of these results are obtained directly by considering the structure of SK-partitions.


The following definitions and notations are found in Lattice Theory by Birkhoff (1967).

Definition: If a and b are elements of a partially ordered set P, then a is said to cover b if a < b and a > x > b is not satisfied by any x in P.

Notation: 0 denotes the least element and 1 the greatest element of P.

Definition: An element which covers 0 is called an atom.

Definition: If a ≥ b in a partially ordered set P, the set of x satisfying a ≥ x ≥ b is called the closed interval [b, a]. The elements x satisfying a ≥ x ≥ b are said to be between a and b.

Definition: Intervals which can be written as [x ∧ y, x] and [y, x ∨ y] are called transposes.

Definition: A lattice having the property that every non-empty bounded set has a greatest lower bound and a least upper bound is called conditionally complete.

Definition: The modular identity is: If x ≤ z, x ∨ (y ∧ x) = (x ∨ y) ∧ x for elements x, y, z of a lattice L.

Definition: Jordan-Dedekind chain condition: All finite connected chains between fixed end-points have the same length.

Definition: An element of a lattice L is called join irreducible if x ∨ y = a ⇒ x = a or y = a ∀ x, y ∈ L.

Definition: A multiplicative lattice or m-lattice is a lattice L with a binary operation satisfying a(b∨ c) = ab ∨ ac and (a ∨ b) c = ac ∨ bc.

A zero of an m-lattice L is an element 0 satisfying 0 ∧ x= 0x = x0 = 0∀ x ∈ L.
A unity of L is an element e satisfying ex = xe = x∀ x ∈ L.
An infinity of L is an element I satisfying I ∨ x = Ix = xI = I∀ x ∈ L.
L is called commutative if xy = yx ∀ x, y ∈ L. L is called associative if x(yz) = (xy) z ∀ x, y, z ∈ L.

If L is conditionally complete and satisfies the unrestricted distributive laws a ∨ ba = ∨ (aba) and (∨aa)b = ∨(aab), it is called a complete m-lattice, or cm-lattice. An associative lattice with unity is called a lattice-ordered semigroup or l-semigroup and if complete it is called a cl-semigroup.

Definition: Let G be any m-lattice. The right-residual h:k of h by k is the largest x (if it exists) satisfying xk ≤ h; the left-residual h:k of h by k is the largest y satisfying ky ≤ h.

We will also require the following notations.

Notation: We denote the SK-partition P = {B0, B1,…, Bm-1} by ((1,b1,b2,…,bm-1)), where bi = |Bi| = number of elements of Bi; i = 1,2,…, m-1.

Notation: The set of all SK-partitions will be denoted by FP and the set of SK-partitions with m classes will be denoted by FP,m.

Definition: The dimension function d is defined on Fp by


Lemma 1: Let x, y, a ∈ FP,m ý x and y cover a and x ≠ y. Then x ∨ y covers x and y.

Proof: Let

a = ((1,a1,a2,…,am-1)).
x = ((1,x1,x2,…,xm-1)).
y = ((1,y1,y2,…,ym-1)).


xi = ai = zi, i ≠ u, v ; xi = ai+ 2 zi, i = u; xi + 2 = ai + 2 = zi, i = v. Hence x ∨ y covers x. Similarly, x ∨ y covers y.

Lemma 2: Let x, y, a p FP,m ^ a cover x and y and x ≠ y. Then x and y cover x ∧ y.

Proof: Let

xi = ai = zi, i ≠ u, v ; xi = ai- 2 = zi, i = u; xi = ai = zi + 2,, i = v. Hence x covers x ∧ y. Similarly, y covers x ∧ y.

Theorem 1: (FP,m, ≤s) satisfies the modular identity and the Jordan-Dedekind chain condition.

Proof: This follows immediately from Theorem 1 of Lattice Theory by Birkhoff.


Theorem 2: Let [l, x] and [y, n] be intervales ∋


Where, a1,a2,…,ar are fixed elements of {1,2,…,m-1}. Then, [1,x] and [y,u] are transposes.

Proof: For i ∈ {1,2,…,m-1} ý i ≠ a1,a2,…,ar, lj = xi ≤ yi.


For i = a1,a2,…am-1; 1i = yi ≤ ui = xi


From Eq. 1 and 2, l = x ∧ y. For i ∈ {1,2,…m-1}ý
i ≠ a1,a2,…,ar with ui = yi ≥ xi


For i ∈ {1,2,…,m-1} ý i = a1,a2,…,am-1; ui = xi1i = yi


From Eq. 3 and 4, u = x ∨ y.


Theorem 3: Each join-irreducible element of (FP, ms) is of the form ((1,2,2,…,2,a,…,a)), where a ∈ {2,4,6,…}.

Proof: Let ((1,2,2,…,2,a1,a2,…,as)) be any join-irreducible element of Fp,m. Suppose that a1 < a2.

So, ((1,2,2,…,2,a1,a2,…,as)) is not join-irreducible, contradiction. Hence, a1 = a2.

Similarly, it can be established that a2 = a3 = … as. Any element of Fp,m can be expressed is terms of join-irreducible elements of F p,m, as shown in the following theorem.

Theorem 4: Let be an arbitrary element of Fp,m.



Proof: Obvious.


Definition: Multiplication in FP,m defined by;

Theorem 5: (FP,m, ≤s) is a cl-semigroup.


Clearly the unity e of (FP,m, ≤s) is ((1,2,2,…,2)).
(FP,m, ≤s) is associative.
(FP,m, ≤s) satisfies the unrestrictive distributive laws.
(FP,m, ≤s)is conditionally complete, since if A is a bounded subset of FP,m, then is the least upper bound of A and is the greatest lower bound of A.

Theorem 6: ∀ P, Q ∈ (Fp,m,≤s), (P ∧ Q)(P ∨ Q) = PQ

Proof: Let

P = ((1,a1,a2,…,am-1))
Q = ((1,b1,b2,…,bm-1)).

We assume that ai < bi, i ∈ {1,2,…,m-1}.
Then the (i+1) th entry of (P ∧ Q)(P ∨ Q) = 1/2(ai)(bi) = (i + 1)th entry of PQ (I)
Similarly, if ai > bi or ai = bi (I) can still be shown to be true.

Theorem 7: Let

P = ((1,a1,a2,…,am-1))
Q = ((1,a1,a2,…,am-1)) be elements of Fp,m. Then if and only if

Q ≤s P
bj is a divisor of 2aj; j = 1,2,…,m-1

Proof: Let Suppose P = QR, where R = ((1,c1,c2,…,cm-1))

Then, ((1,a1,a2,…,am-1)) = ((1,b1,b2,…,bm-1))((1,c1,c2,…,cm-1))

Clearly Q ≤ P.

Conversely, suppose that the three conditions are true.


Then, clearly R ∈ Fp,m and P = QR.

Theorem 8: Let P, Q be as in the above theorem. If ai = kbi, k ∈ {2,3,…}, then QR = P, where R = ((1,c1,c2,…,cm-1)) and ci = 2k.

Proof: If QR = P, then

Hence, ci = 2k.

Theorem 9: Let P, Q, R be as in the above theorem. If ai = bin (n = 2,3,…) and QR = P, then ci = 2bin-1.

Proof: If QR = P, then

Hence, ci = 2bin-1.


Theorem 10: Let

be elements of (Fp,m, ≤s). Then (∧ Pk): Q exists if and only if


Proof: Suppose (∧ Pk:Q) exists. Then ∃ positive, even integers c1,c2,…,cm-1 such that R = ((1,c1,c2,…,cm-1) and

Conversely, suppose Eq. 5 is true. Then,


Hence, (∧ Pk: Q) exists.

Theorem 11:

Proof: Since R = (∧ Pi): Q, QR ≤ P1∧P2∧…∧Pu and c1,c2,…,cm-1 are the largest positive, even integers satisfying:

Also, since

are the largest positive even integers satisfying


We will show that:





and that d1,d2,…,dm-1 are the largest positive, even integers that satisfy Eq. 6, 7,…, m+5.

Equation (m+5) is obviously true.

Let D1,D2,…,Dm-1 be positive even integers satisfying d1 ≤ D1, d2 ≤ D2,…,dm-1≤ Dm-1.

We show by contradiction, that d1 = D1, d2 = D2,…,dm-1 = Dm-1

Suppose that c1(m-1) < Dm-1.

This means that: Dm-2 = dm-2. Continuing like this, we can establish that di = Di, ∀i ∈ {1,2,…,m-1}.
Thus, the values we have chosen for d1,d2,…,dm-1 are the largest positive, even integers satisfying Eq. 6, 7,…,(m+5).

Theorem 12:



Definition: We define the deficit h •C k of h by k as the smallest x, if it exists, satisfying h ≤ xk.

Theorem 13:

Proof :



We claim that d1,d2,…,dm-1 are the smallest positive even integers satisfying the same inequalities as r1,…rm-1, namely α1,α2,…,α(m-1).

Suppose ∃ positive even integers



Theorem 14:





The details characterizing the Algebraic Structures of the SK-Lattices are of immense usefulness in the context of the recently-growing interest in the area of the contemporarily modern Approach to Image Retrieval Based on Concept Lattices, as also in useful reference to Complexity reduction in Lattice-based information retrieval, which requires that the reduction process must preserve the algebraic structure of a lattice (Kalinin and Spatzier, 2005; Karen and Vogel, 2005).


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    Direct Link    

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