Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2006 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 1085-1089
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2006.1085.1089
A General Projection Gradient Method for Linear Constrained Optimization with Superlinear Convergence
Zhibin Zhu and Binliang Zhang

Abstract: In this study, by using the technique of the projection and the idea of the conjugate projection, a new algorithm is presented to solve the linear equality and inequality constrained optimization. Under some suitable conditions which are weaker than those in corresponding references, it is proved that the proposed method is global convergence as well as superlinear convergence.

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How to cite this article
Zhibin Zhu and Binliang Zhang, 2006. A General Projection Gradient Method for Linear Constrained Optimization with Superlinear Convergence. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6: 1085-1089.

Keywords: superlinear convergence, Linear constrained optimization, conjugate projection gradient algorithm and global convergence


We consider the following linear constrained optimization:



Since the gradient projection method was proposed by Rosen (1960), it become one of basic methods to solve nonlinear programming, and some authors were absorbed in research on this method (Zhang, 1979; Jian and Zhang, 1999). However, being lack of the information of twice derivatives, this type of methods converges slowly.

In order to quicken the rate of convergence, recently, it is arisen some improved algorithms (Han, 1976; Panier and Tits, 1987; Facchinel and Lucidi, 1995). In two references (Shi, 1996; Zhang and Wang, 1999) by generalizing the conjugate projection from the gradient projection, a new projection variable metric algorithm is presented which is combined the penalty function method with the variable metric algorithm. While, even under some strong conditions (for example, the sequence {xk} converges to the optimum solution {uk} and the corresponding multiplier vector sequence {uk} converges to the optimum multipliers u*), it is only proved that the sequence {xk, uk} converges superlinearly to (x*, u*), instead of the sequence {xk} itself.

In this study, by taking advantage of the projection gradient technique, a new general projection gradient method is present to improve those methods (Shi, 1996; Zhang and Wang, 1999). Under some weaker suitable conditions, it is proved that the sequence {xk} generated by the algorithm is superlinear convergent to the optimum solution x*.


The following assumptions are true throughout the study.

H 1: The feasible set X ≠ Ø and the function f0(x) is twice differentiable;

H 2: ∀x ∈ X vectors {aj, j ∈ I(x)∪ E} are linear independent.

Definition 1: The function μ(x): Rn → Rm is called a multiplier function, if μ(x) is continuous and μ(x*) is the corresponding K-T multiplier vector for the K-T point x* of (1).

For the current approximate solution xk ∈ X, σk>0, a positive definite matrix Bk = B(xk), the set Lk ⊆ IUE, we define:



Consider the following auxiliary problem:



define the directional derivative along dat xas follows:

It is easy to see that

The following algorithm is proposed for solving problem (1):

Algorithm A

Step 0:

Step 1: Let i = 0, σk,i = σ0

Step 2: If det and go to Step 4, otherwise, go to Step 3,where

Step 3: Let i = i + 1, σk,i = 1/2σk,i-1, go to step 2.

Step 4: Compute

Step 5: Compute dk0. If dk0 = 0, STOP; Otherwise, compute dk0. If


go to Step 6, otherwise goto Step 7;

Step 6: Let λ= 1.
1) If


set λk = λ, go to Step 8, otherwise go to 2).
2) Let λ = 1/2λ. If λ<∈, go to Step 7, otherwise go to 1) of Step 6.

Step 7: Compute


Find out βk, the first number β in the sequence {1, 1/2, 1/4, ...} satisfying



Set dk = qk, λk = βk.

Step 8: Obtain Bk+1 by updating the positive definite matrix Bk using some quasi-Newton formulas. Set

Set k = k + 1. Go back to Step 1.


Here, firstly, it is shown that Algorithm A is well defined.

H 3: The sequence {xk} is bounded, and the sequence {Bk} is positive definite.

Lemma 1: For any iteration, there is no infinite cycle between Step 1 and Step 3. Moreover, if then there exits a constant , such that for k ∈ K, k large enough.

Proof: The proof is refereed to Lemma 1 in reference (Zhu et al., 2003).

Theorem 1: ∀k, if dk0 = 0, then xk is a K-T point of (1), else, it holds that


Proof: Firstly, it is easy to see that

If dk0 = 0, it holds that

0 = ATkdk0 = Vk, Pk∇f0 (xk) = 0

So, form (2), (3) and H 3, we have

which shows that xk is a K-T point of (1).

If dk0 = 0, form the definition of Vk, it is obvious that

So, it holds that

Form the definition of ck, it holds that DGck (xk , dk0) < 0 since ATkdk0 = Vk, it holds that

So, we have

The conclusion holds.

Lemma 2: There exists a constant k0, such that .

In the sequel , we always assume that ck ≡ c.

Theorem 2: The algorithm either stops at the K-T point xk of the problem (1) in finite iteration, or generates an infinite sequence {xk}, any accumulation point x* of which is a K-T point of the problem (1).

Proof: The first statement is obvious, the only stopping point being step 5. Thus, suppose that {xk}k∈K → x*, dk0 → 0, k ∈ K. From (5), (6), (9) and Theorem 1, it is easy to see that {Gc (xk)} is decreasing. So, it holds that


If there exists K1 ⊆ K (|K1| = ∞), such that for all k ∈ K1, xk+1 = xk + λkdk is generated by step 6 and step 8, then from (5), (6), we get

So, dk0 → 0, k ∈ K1 since dk0 → d*0, k ∈ K it is clear that d*0 = 0 i.e., dk0 → 0, k ∈ K. So, according to Theorem 1, it is obvious that xk is a K-T point of (1).

Now, we might as well assume that, for all k ∈ K, xk+1 = xk + λkdk is generated for by step 7 and step 8, Suppose that the desired conclusion is false, i.e., dk0 ≠ 0. Imitating the proof of Theorem 1,we have DGc (x*, q*)<0 and we can conclude that the step-size βk obtained by the linear search in step 7 is bounded away from zero on K, i.e.,

βk≥β* = inf {βk, k ∈ K}>0, k ∈ K

So, from (9) and Theorem 1, it holds that

It is a contradiction, which shows that dk0 → 0, k ∈ K, k → ∞ . So, according to Theorem 1. It is easy to see that xk is a K-T point of (1).

In order to obtain superlinear convergence, we also make the following additional assumptions.

H 4: The sequence generated by the algorithm possesses an accumulation point x*.

H 5: Bk → B*, k → ∞.

H 6: The second-order sufficiency conditions with strict complementary slackness are satisfied at the K-T point x* and the corresponding multiplier vector u*.

According to Lemma 5 in reference (Zhu, 2005), we have the following conclusion.

Lemma 3: The entire sequence {xk} converges to x*, i.e., xk → x*, k → ∞ and for k large enough , it holds that

Lemma 4: Denote ék = πk + (ATkB-1k Ak)-1 F(xk). Under above mentioned conditions, for k large enough , it holds that

∇f0(xk) + Bkdk0 + Akék = 0, F(xk) + ATkdk0

Proof: According to Lemma 3 and H 6, it holds, for k large enough, that πk>0. So, from the definition of Vk, we have

ATkdk0 = Vk = -F(xk), F(xk) + ATkdk0 = 0


The conclusion holds.

Lemma 5: For k large enough, there exists a constant b>0, such that

Proof : Since xk → x*and for k large enough, Lk ≡ I(x* U) E, it holds that

Thereby, there exists some η>0, such that

while, from Lemma 4 it holds that

In addition, it holds, for k large enough, that πkj>0, ATkdk0 = Vk = - fj(xk), j ∈ Lk. So

From τ (2, 3), we have ||dk|| ~ ||dk0||, ||dk1|| = o(||dk0||2).

In order to obtain superlinear convergence, a crucial requirement is that a unit step size be used in a neighborhood of the solution. This can be achieved if the following assumption is satisfied.

H 7: Let


In view of Lemma 4, imitating the proof of Lemma 4.4 in reference (Zhu, 2005), it is easy to obtain the following conclusion.

Lemma 6: For k large enough, step 7 is no longer performed in the algorithm and the attempted search in step 6 is successful in every iteration, i.e., λk ≡ 1, xk+1 = xk + dk.

Moreover, in view of Lemma 3.8 and the way of Theorem 2 in reference (Panier and Tits, 1987), we may obtain the following theorem:

Theorem 3: Under all above-mentioned assumptions, the algorithm is superlinearly convergent, i.e., the sequence {xk} generated by the algorithm satisfies


This study was supported in part by the NNSF (10501009, 60471039) of China.


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