Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2002 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 796-799
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2002.796.799
Ultrastructural Studies on Changes in Poultry Muscles Caused by High Voltage Electrical Stimulation Using a Specific Installation
J. Szorc and T. Ringel

Abstract: The results of favourable micro structural changes in the muscles of older poultry subjected to High Voltage Electrical Stimulation (HVES) have been presented. Samples were drawn from the breast muscle and then they were prepared as appropriate for evaluation in scanning electron (JEOL SI) and transmission (Tesla-BS 613) microscope. The muscle samples subjected to Electrical Stimulation (ES) showed on the electron microscope image the deep morphological changes consisting in failure of myofibril structures what resulted in the improvement of meat quality factors in comparison to unstimulated control samples (C). The environmentally friendly plant for high voltage electrical stimulation of poultry carcasses has also been presented. The poultry slaughter requirements have been taken into account in plant design and the plant have been adjusted for running in process line. The productivity of the system is 120 pieces per hour at power demand of 6 kW.

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How to cite this article
J. Szorc and T. Ringel, 2002. Ultrastructural Studies on Changes in Poultry Muscles Caused by High Voltage Electrical Stimulation Using a Specific Installation. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2: 796-799.

Keywords: plant for high volage electrical stimulation, electrical stimulation, poultry meat and tenderness


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