Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2002 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 329-331
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2002.329.331
The Effect of Mixed Fertiliser with or Without Zinc on the Yield and Quality of Tomato Grown Under Canakkale conditions in Turkey
N. Mucella Muftouglu

Abstract: The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of mixed fertiliser (15-15-15) with or without zinc on the yield and quality of tomato grown under Canakkale conditions. The mixed fertiliser with zinc increased the tomato yield up to 6% compared to the one without zinc. However, the mixed fertiliser with zinc caused a fast decrease in the yield after a certain dose (75 kg/da). This decrease indicated that the fertiliser with zinc should be used under strictly controlled conditions. Optimum fertiliser is the mixed fertilizer without zinc and dose is 50 kg/da under Canakkale conditions.

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How to cite this article
N. Mucella Muftouglu , 2002. The Effect of Mixed Fertiliser with or Without Zinc on the Yield and Quality of Tomato Grown Under Canakkale conditions in Turkey. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2: 329-331.

Keywords: Tomato, zinc, nutrition and turkey


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