Information Technology Journal

Year: 2013 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 23 | Page No.: 7201-7207
DOI: 10.3923/itj.2013.7201.7207
Lunar Terrain Construction and Application for Lunar Rover
Zhao Yibing, Lv hong sen, Li Linhui, Guo Lie and Zhang Mingheng

Abstract: The Lunar Rover design is the key problem of planet exploration. This study present how to model the Lunar Rover landing area containing typical terrain characteristic. Here, the crater and boulder models are firstly put forward, using Brown Fratal Motion to construct basic Lunar surface, then to add craters and boulders by means of Known Diameter Algorithm and Random-create Diameter Algorithm. In order to obtain the roughness of lunar terrain and the mechanical vibration characteristics of Lunar Rover, the lunar terrain simulation model is constructed by using software UG, Imageware and ADAMS. Lastly, the spectral characteristic of lunar terrain is acquired based on power spectrum curve by using reverse engineering algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate the dominant frequency vibration mechanics characterastics of lunar terrain with different roughness.

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How to cite this article
Zhao Yibing, Lv hong sen, Li Linhui, Guo Lie and Zhang Mingheng, 2013. Lunar Terrain Construction and Application for Lunar Rover. Information Technology Journal, 12: 7201-7207.

Keywords: Lunar rover, fractal brown motion, crater and road spectrum


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