Information Technology Journal

Year: 2013 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 20 | Page No.: 5577-5582
DOI: 10.3923/itj.2013.5577.5582
Load Balancing Mechanism and Selfish Nodes Detection in Peer-to-Peer Network
Min Liu and Ying Li

Abstract: Due to its limited resources and other objective factors and subjective attitude of the impact of peer nodes in the network often exhibit selfishness. Therefore, encourage selfish nodes cooperate to detect and become an important research by allowing nodes to freely express their subjective forward attitude. To achieve the detection of selfish nodes, it is taking into account not only the quality of the link and node energy and other objective factors that determine the path forward probability and taking into account the path under the influence of selfish nodes forwarding the subjective probability. To select the path with the highest probability of integrated transponder, it is reducing the impact of selfish nodes when the node selfishness spend time re-designed a punishment mechanism based load balancing to encourage cooperation model participation and cooperation of nodes according to the degree of harm node selfishness. The right is taken appropriate punitive measures between nodes monitoring mechanism and strict punishment mechanism to ensure the implementation of strategic defense. The simulation results show that the detection and load balancing not only in the energy constrained and rational selfish nodes case seeking to the appropriate route, but also to inspire too selfish nodes actively participate in the network.

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How to cite this article
Min Liu and Ying Li, 2013. Load Balancing Mechanism and Selfish Nodes Detection in Peer-to-Peer Network. Information Technology Journal, 12: 5577-5582.

Keywords: Peer-to-peer network, detection mechanism, load balancing mechanism and selfish node


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