Information Technology Journal

Year: 2013 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 1780-1787
DOI: 10.3923/itj.2013.1780.1787
Hastening Point Multiplication in the ECC
Ahmed Chalak Shakir, Jia Min and Gu Xuemai

Abstract: The demanding of the lightweight algorithms to produce efficient techniques used for security, is paving the way toward the exploiting of elliptic curve for cryptography. Therefore, there has a trend for substituting the traditional public key cryptography by the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) due to its efficiency for providing a high security with smaller keys in the comparison with other algorithms. The main problem in elliptic curve cryptography is the complexity of executing the operation of multiplying a point on the elliptic curve by the scalar value which is mainly fulfilled by the doubling and addition operations and is called scalar multiplication or point multiplication. This scalar can be represented by zeros and ones in terms of binary system. In double-and-add method, the number of ones (hamming weight) determines the number of addition operations, while the number of bits that represents the scalar determines the number of doubling operations. This paper produces the encoding method for reducing the hamming weight of the scalar and thereby diminishing the complexity of the scalar multiplication. The proposed method is compared with the one’s complement method and the simulation analysis showed that it gives lower hamming weight than the one’s complement method.

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How to cite this article
Ahmed Chalak Shakir, Jia Min and Gu Xuemai, 2013. Hastening Point Multiplication in the ECC. Information Technology Journal, 12: 1780-1787.

Keywords: Elliptic curve cryptography, point multiplication, encoding, hamming weight and doubling and adding operations


Recently, the wireless network is rapidly growing up and has been the backbone of our life, particularly the wireless sensor network. This open area makes the transmission of information among the nodes in the network be prone to the eavesdropping. Hence, the security issues being vital essential (Huang and Sharma, 2010; Huang et al., 2011). Due to the advantages that the ECC has in the comparison with other algorithms of cryptography (DES, RSA, AES, etc.) (Rabah, 2006), especially for providing a robust security per bits (Rabah, 2005), therefore it has been the core of many standards. Although the ECC characterized by many advantages over the other algorithms, but it still has a problem for implementing one of its main operations called the scalar multiplication (or point multiplication) which required the complex computations (Wang et al., 2008) and spent 85% of ECC’s execution time (Gura et al., 2004).

This scalar multiplication has the form of kP, where k represents the private key, while P is the point on the elliptic curve (Shou et al., 2013). The double-and-add method (Moon, 2004) is used for performing this operation and depending on the binary number of such scalar, where the hamming (Razak et al., 2009) weight (non-zero elements or the number of ones) is affecting the number of addition operations and measured by, while the length of the number in terms of bits determines the number of doubling operations. In this paper the new encoding method is explored for re-coding such scalar in such a way that can produce smaller number of ones and consequently reducing the entire calculation of multiplication (accelerating the PM). Many previous works considered this problem and how it can be expedited (Reitwiesner, 1960; Katti 2002; Wang et al., 2007; Huang et al., 2010; Huang and Sharma, 2010; Mohamed et al., 2010; Basu, 2012). Once in a while, the proposed method is not only reducing the number of ones, rather than, it also reducing the length of the encoded scalar comparing with normal binary form. Nowadays, the orientation of exploration and studies in the field of securing such tiny devices, as in wireless sensor networks, is concentrating on the use of ECC with some considerations. Minimizing its computations is one of the most significant attribute, which makes it more efficient for the devices that are described by limited resources.


Mathematical background of elliptic curve: An elliptic curve over real numbers may be defined as the set of points (x, y) which satisfy an elliptic curve equation (referred to as Weierstrass) as shown in Eq. 1:


where, x, y, a and b are real numbers. Each choice of numbers a and b yields a different elliptic curve. The discriminant of polynomial f(x) = x3+ax+b is shown in Eq. 2:


where, if Eq. 2 is satisfied, then the elliptic curve y2 = x3+ax+b can be used to form a group (Blake et al., 2000). Two main operations can be performed in EC, which are addition and doubling. Each one has its own characteristics and conditions (Kodali and Budwal, 2013).

PM can be defined as the repeated additions of a point along the elliptic curve and it is denoted as in Eq. 3:


Repeatedly adding P to itself k times.

Double-and-add method: It is a method for implementing the PM in terms of number of zeros and ones which can be illustrated in algorithm 1 (Ganopathy and Mani, 2009):

Algorithm 1: Double-and-add method for PM

Equation 4 (Shah et al., 2010) is used for this computation of the form kP:


where, in example, the integer number (131)10 is taken and then converted to the binary number as (10000011)2. Table 1 and Fig. 1 are depicting the double-and-add method when applied on an integer 131. As a result of this example, the PM requires two additions and seven doubling operations.

Let r represents the number of ones and d represents the number of bits (length).

Fig. 1: Double-and-add procedure for the number 131

Table 1: An example of double-and-add

Then the number of addition and doubling operations can be computed from the Eq. 5 and Eq. 6, respectively and as shown:



So that the total No. of operations used to implement the scalar multiplication can be computed using Eq. 7:


In the above example r = 3, d = 8, A = 2 and D = 7. Then T = 9.

Scalar encoding: The encoding can be defined as the process of converting information into another form of representation, not inevitably of the same type.

Finding the efficient encoding algorithm for the integer k in kP has the direct impact on the efficiency of PM which leads to accelerate the computations and thereby be suitable for use in WSN. This encoding affects the number of point doubling and point addition operations. Whereas the number of bits that represents the integer k (length of k) affects the doubling operation, while the number of ones in such representation affects the addition operation. In this paper, we concentrated on the latter and minimized the hamming weight of k by encoding it using only “0” and ‘1’ as in the binary system, but it differs from it such that using another algorithm for encoding not as in the binary system. Algorithm 2 depicts the idea where two bases are considered and it can be expanded to more than two bases:

Algorithm 2: Encoding representation of scalar k, where two bases are used:

For reducing the number of ones, more than one base is used. The proposed method is comprehended by the example illustrated in Table 2.

Where, || symbol refers to the remainder of the division and modulo. As depicted in Table 1, number of ones is reduced from 5-3, which saves two elliptic curve addition operations, as well as the length is also reduced from 7 to 6 which saves one elliptic curve doubling operation. For more clarification and for example, the binary representation of the scalar (91)10 which is shown in Table 1 is used before and after applying our method by multiplying this scalar by the elliptic point (12, 2) under the field of 23, such that a and b values of the coefficients are 0 and 1 respectively. This can be depicted in Table 3.

Table 2: Hamming weight diminishing example of scalar k using the proposed method

Table 3: Example of the scalar multiplication

To achieve the point multiplication kP, the double-add algorithm (Shah et al., 2010) is used before and after applying our method as shown in Table 3 and 4, respectively.

As shown in Table 5, the number of addition operations is diminished from 5-3 which save 2 addition operations, whereas the doubling operation is reduced by one. For comparison, the same example is achieved by using one’s complement recoding method, where the scalar is converted to one’s complement by using the Eq. 8 (Shah et al., 2010):



C1 = One’s complement of the number
a = No. of bit in N
N = Binary number

Then by applying the Eq. 8 on the scalar 91 yields:

C1 = (27-1)-1011011
  = 28-1-1011011
  = 127-1011011
  = 111111-1011011
  = 0100100 is the one’s complement of (1011011)

The Eq. 8 can be modified to Eq. 9:



1011011 = 10000000-0100100-1

In which the hamming weight of the scalar is decreased from 5-4, thereby the proposed method gives better results.

Table 4: Computing kP using double-and-add method prior of applying the proposed method

Table 5: Computing kP using double-and-add method after applying the proposed method

Another method is taken for the comparison with our method called Non-Adjacent Form NAF (Shah et al., 2010) which is a unique sign digit representation. The Matlab code in the CODE1 below can be used for convert the decimal number into the NAF which is useful for decreasing the hamming weight and consequently reducing the number of addition operations in the scalar multiplication.

Code 1

where, E represents the input number, while Z represents its NAF. Note that Z ∈ {0, 1,-1}.

By applying CODE1 on the same tested number (91), it yields:

1 0-1 0 0-1 0-1

Data manipulation in both sides of transmission: In order to send the encrypted information from one point to another, both nodes must be well familiar with the protocols which answer the following questions:

How the scalar is encoded? Recall that this scalar represents the key of the encryption
Which information is necessary to be sent
How the integrity of the data can be calculated

The above questions can be answered by the algorithm 3 as follows:

Algorithm 3: Data transmission (sender)

Fig. 2: Example of retrieving the scalar number from its encoded binary pattern

Algorithm 4: Data transmission (receiver)

Recalling that, the bases are already known to the nodes. Take with the regard that the doubling-add algorithm is only working properly on the odd number. Therefore, Y is ORed with 1 to always get the prime number.

For example and because the least significant bit of (10100101110) is zero, so, it ORed with 1 to convert it to the odd number as (10100101110) OR (1) = (10100101111). Finally, converting the value of Z in algorithm 4 can be illustrated by the example shown in Fig. 2.


As mentioned earlier, PM has two main operations-addition and doubling. The addition operation is affected by hamming weight of the scalar, while the doubling operation is affected by the length (e.g., total number of bits) of the scalar. The hamming weight of such scalar is reduced by the proposed method and the results are compared with the one’s complement method in Shah et al. (2010) and the NAF in the prime numbers in-between 1-100 are chosen for the test and simulation. The comparisons between the one’s complement, NAF and the proposed methods using MATLAB for different bases are produced in Table 6 which are analysed in Fig. 3, 4, while the hamming weight ratio (number of ones) for the scalar k (after converting it to the binary code) for each method are depicted in Fig. 5-8, respectively.

Fig. 3: Hamming weight ratios with respect to the length of the scalar for the tested methods

Fig. 4: Reduction ratio of hamming weight for the tested methods

Fig. 5: Bases {2, 3} are taken in the proposed method for the comparison with the tested methods in terms of the hamming weight

Fig. 6: Bases {2, 3, 5} are taken in the proposed method for the comparison with the tested methods in terms of the hamming weight

Fig. 7: Bases {2, 3, 7} are taken in the proposed method for the comparison with the tested methods in terms of the hamming weight

Table 6: Comparisons between tested methods in terms of ratio of the hamming weight

Fig. 8: Bases {2, 5, 7} are taken in the proposed method for the comparison with the tested methods in terms of the hamming weight


Four values of bases (2, 3, 5 and 7) are taken for the test on the prime numbers from 1-100 and as seen from the simulation results, the base (2, 3, 5) provides the best reduction ratio of the hamming weight. This reduction is calculated by depending on the normal binary method (binary number system) and comparing the results with the one’s complement and the NAF methods. In the teased range, the proposed method gave better hamming weight reduction over the one’s complement method. While it gave the better results over NAF only in the case where the {2, 3, 5} bases are used. Take with the account that if another range of prime numbers is simulated, the result may be different and other bases may give the best reduction of the hamming weight. This is owing to the number of bits and number of ones that each scalar has. Whenever the scalar goes larger, it can be dividable by the large bases like 5 and 7. Consequently, the results are depending on the how big the scalar is and what are the used bases.


The ECC has been proved by literal; it has many merits over other methods, especially for use in the constraints devices, like in wireless sensor network. Consequently, it has been contained in many standards. Scalar Multiplication kP is the kernel operation in the ECC, which needs complicated calculations. It can be executed in more efficient manner and appropriate for such limited devices if this operation is hasting. Since, the hamming weight of the scalar k affecting the number of addition in PM, hence the focusing of this paper was on this point and how it can be reduced. Meanwhile the one’s complement method and the NAF are representing the most important methods used for such acceleration; therefore, the comparisons were presented with them. Experimental result illustrated that the proposed method produced better reduction of the hamming weight over the one’s complement method, while produced better results over the NAF only in the case where the bases are {2, 3, 5}. Ultimately, the integrity is tested in the receiver side using the algorithm 4.


This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundations of China (Grant No. 61201143), the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities (Grant No. HIT. NSRIF. 2010091), the National Science Foundation for Post-doctoral Scientists of China (Grant No. 2012M510956) and the Post-doctoral Fund of Heilongjiang Province (Grant No. LBHZ11128).


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