Information Technology Journal

Year: 2009 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 1249-1255
DOI: 10.3923/itj.2009.1249.1255
Intelligent Model for Automatic Text Summarization
M.S. Binwahlan, N. Salim and L. Suanmali

Abstract: The navigation through hundreds of the documents in order to find the interesting information is a tough job and waste of the time and effort. Automatic text summarization is a technique concerning the creation of a compressed form for single document or multi-documents for tackling such problem. In this study, we introduced an intelligent model for automatic text summarization problem; we tried to exploit different resources advantages in building of our model like advantage of diversity based method which can filter the similar sentences and select the most diverse ones and advantage of the non diversity method used in this study which is the adaptation of intelligent techniques like fuzzy logic and swarm intelligence for building that method which gave it a good ability for picking up the most important sentences in the text. The experimental results showed that our model got the best performance over all methods used in this study.

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M.S. Binwahlan, N. Salim and L. Suanmali, 2009. Intelligent Model for Automatic Text Summarization. Information Technology Journal, 8: 1249-1255.

Keywords: Binary tree, diversity, fuzzy, summarization, swarm and summary


The navigation through hundreds of the documents in order to find the interesting information is a tough job and waste of the time and effort. Automatic text summarization is a technique concerning the creation of a compressed form for single document or multi-documents for tackling such problem. The benefits of automatic text summarization system’s availability increase the need for existence of such systems; the most important benefits of using a summary is its reduced reading time and providing quick guide to the interesting information. The aim of automatic text summarization techniques is to find the most important text units and present them as summary of the original document. Each technique differs from another in the way of discovering such text units. The automatic text summarization system which is built based on exploiting of the advantages of different resources in form of combined model could produce a good summary for the original document. Many techniques have been proposed for automatic text summarization problem based on different methodologies, (Luhn, 1958; Baxendale, 1958; Edmundson, 1969) used the shallow features to score the text units and selecting the highest score text units as summary (Kupiec et al., 1995; Lin and Hovy, 1997; Lin, 1999; Conroy and Oleary, 2001; Osborne, 2002; Svore et al., 2007; Fattah and Ren, 2009) could add advantage to the mechanism of the text unit scoring which is the exploitation of the data to create a criteria or weights to be used in the scoring coefficient through the applying of the machine learning for automatic text summarization problem. The discourse structure based techniques (Ono et al., 1994; Barzilay and Elhadad, 1997; Marcu, 1998) employed the discourse structure for the sentence scoring.

All techniques mentioned above did not pay attention to the problem of the redundancy which causes the low quality of the created summary. The method which was built for dealing with the problem of redundancy is MMR (Carbonell and Goldstein, 1998), many methods made use of MMR either directly or after modifying it (Kraaij et al., 2001; Mori et al., 2005; Ye et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2006; Zajic et al., 2006; Filippova et al., 2007; Lin et al., 2007).

Applying the fuzzy logic for text summarization still needs more investigation; a few studies were done in this direction (Kiani and Akbarzadeh, 2006; Kyoomarsi et al., 2008). In our previous work (Binwahlan et al., 2009c), we found the integration of the fuzzy logic and swarm intelligence could get a good performance.

The improvement of the summary quality remains the key research problem and needs much work like incorporate more than one good technique. Aretoulaki (1994) proposed a hybrid system, the system was built based on four modules, where each module tries to look for specific features and information in the input text, then the outputs of those modules are passed to Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to score the text units as important and unimportant based on those outputs of the four modules. Alemany and Fort (2003) presented a summarize based on lexical chains, in which, the cohesive properties of the text were combined with coherence relations to produce good summaries. a different hybrid model was introduced by Cunha et al. (2007), which combines mainly three systems, each system produces its own extract, then an algorithm creates the final summary by selecting the highest score sentences from the three extracts after scoring of those extract sentences. The summary creation under the condition of the redundancy and the summary length limitation is a challenge problem. Therefore in this study, we introduce an intelligent model for automatic text summarization problem; we try to exploit different resources advantages in building of our model like advantage of diversity based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009d) which can filter the similar sentences and select the most diverse ones and advantage of the non diversity method used in this study which is the adaptation of intelligent techniques like fuzzy logic and swarm intelligence for building that method which gave it a good ability for picking up the most important sentences in the text (Binwahlan et al., 2009c).


Swarm diversity based text summarization: Swarm diversity based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009d) is an integration of the two methods (MMI diversity based text summarization (Binwahlan et al., 2009a) and swarm based text summarization (Binwahlan et al., 2009b). In MMI method, the score of the sentence in the binary tree is calculated using:


where, ScoreBT (si) is the score of the sentence si in the binary tree building process, impr (si) is the importance of the sentence si calculated using normal features Eq. 6 and friends No (si) is the number of sentences which are similar to sentence si.

In this equation the importance of the sentence appears in two positions, both two importances of the sentence are calculated using a simple combination of the text features score. The sentence importance in the second position was replaced by the sentence importance which is calculated using swarm weights based adjusted features scores. The new formula of scoring of the sentence in the binary tree became as the following:


where: swarm_impr(si) is the importance of the sentence si calculated using Eq. 7.

The reason of making the features are the centre of the integrating of the two methods is because the features are the cornerstone in the generation process of the text summary. The summary quality is sensitive for those features in terms of how the sentences are scored based on the used features.

Fuzzy swarm based text summarization: Fuzzy swarm based text summarization (Binwahlan et al., 2009c) was implemented using Matlab fuzzy logic toolbox which contains built-in Mamdani’s fuzzy inference method (Mamdani and Assilian, 1975). The trapezoidal membership function Eq. 3 was used for fuzzifing of the crisp numerical values of the five text features; those values are limited to the universe of discourse in the range (0, 1). The features values are adjusted using the weights resulting in the training of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) (Kennedy and Eberhart, 1997); this forms the central point of merging of the fuzzy logic with swarm intelligence. To determine the degree to which the input values belong to each of the appropriate fuzzy sets, the trapezoidal membership function was used due to its simplicity and widely use. Three fuzzy sets were used: low, medium and high.


where, aij≤bij≤cij≤dij must hold.

The parameters a and d locate the feet of the trapezoid and the parameters b and c locate the shoulders.

The output of the trapezoidal membership function is a fuzzy degree of membership (in the range (0, 1)) in the fuzzy set. Figure 1 shows the membership functions of fuzzification of the input value of the sentence centrality feature (SC).

Fig. 1: The trapezoid membership functions of the sentence centrality feature (SC)

Fig. 2: The trapezoid membership function of the output

For Inference process, the facts resulted in the fuzzification step need to be merged with a series of the production rules (IF-THEN rules) to perform the fuzzy reasoning process; around 200 IF-THEN rules were defined for that purpose. The following is an example for those rules.

[If WSS is H and SC is H and S_FD is M and SS_NG
is H and KWRD is H then outpu is important]

The output fuzzy membership function was the trapezoid membership function as shown in the Fig. 2.

For defuzzification which is to convert the fuzzy results of the inference into a crisp output which represents the final score of the sentence, we used the centroid method (Sivanandam et al., 2006) Eq. 4, which returns the center (one crisp number) of the area under the curve of the output fuzzy set.


where, z is the center of mass and uc is the membership in class c at value Zj.

After getting the scores of all sentences produced by the fuzzy inferences system, the sentences are reranked based on those scores in descending order, then the top n sentences are selected as summary, where n is equal to the compression rate which is 20% of the total number of the document sentences.

The intelligent model: To propose our intelligent model, we try to investigate the performance of combining of two methods: swarm diversity based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009d) and fuzzy swarm based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009c).

The text features used in this method are: sentence centrality, Title-Help Sentence (THS) and Title-Help Sentence Relevance Sentence (THSRS), Word Sentence Score (WSS), key word feature and the similarity to first sentence (Binwahlan et al., 2009c).

Fig. 3: Fuzzy swarm diversity model

Our model consists of two modules: Fuzzy swarm module which is in charge of selecting of the initial centroids which required for clustering of the sentences in the second module and swarm diversity module which is in charge of generating the summary after scoring the sentences, filtering the similar sentences and selecting the most diverse one. The task of the second module depends on clustering of the similar sentences; the clustering process uses the initial centroids determined by the fuzzy swarm module. In conclusion, there are two summaries created by our model, first summary generated by fuzzy swarm module and used as input for second module swarm diversity which uses its sentences as initial centroids for clustering process. Then the second module generates the final summary.

To summarize a document using this model, it is required first to cluster the document sentences into clusters (using k-means clustering algorithm) where each cluster contains the most similar sentences. The clusters number is determined automatically by the summary length (number of sentences in the final summary). The selection of the initial centroids is very important step in the clustering process, therefore we employed fuzzy swarm based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009c) to pick up the most important sentences and these sentences are used as initial centroids. This is the central point of combining of the two methods (swarm diversity based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009d) and fuzzy swarm based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009c) (Fig. 3). Each sentences cluster is represented as one binary tree or more. The first sentence which is presented in the binary tree is that sentence with higher number of friends (higher number of similar sentences), then the sentences which are most similar to already presented sentence are selected and presented in the same binary tree. The sentences in the binary tree are ordered based on their scores. The score of the sentence in the binary tree building process is calculated based on the importance of the sentence and the number of its friends using Eq. 5.



where, WSS is word sentence score, SC is sentence centrality, SS_NG is average of THS and THSRS features and Sim_fsd is the similarity of the sentence si with the first document sentence calculated using cosine similarity measure and kwrd(si) is the key word feature.


where, Score (s) is the score of the sentence s, wi is the weighted of the feature i produced by swarm, i = 1 to 5 and score_fi(s) is the score of the feature i.

Each level in the binary tree contains 2ln of the higher score sentences, where ln is the level number, ln = 0,1,2,..,n, the top level contains one sentence which is a sentence with highest score. In case, there are sentences remaining in the same cluster, a new binary tree is built for them by the same procedure.

Swarm diversity method is used to select one sentence from the binary tree of each sentence cluster to be included in the final summary. In the binary tree, a level penalty is imposed on each level of sentences which is 0.01 times the level number. The purpose of the level penalty is to reduce the noisy sentences score. The summary sentence is selected from the binary tree by traversing all levels and applying swarm diversity Eq. 8 on each level sentences.




where, Rel(si,sj) is the relevance between the two competitive sentences, si is the unselected sentence in the current binary tree, sj is the already selected sentence, ss is the list of already selected sentences, cs is the competitive sentences of the current binary tree, β is the penalty level and Nfriends (si,sj) is the shared friends (the group of sentences which are similar to both sentences si and sj), ngrams(si,sj) the shared ngrams (the group of ngrams which are contained in both sentences si and sj) and the similarity between those two sentences.


The DUC 2002 document sets (D061j, D062j, D063j, D064j, D065j, D066j, D067f, D068f, D069f, D070f, D071f, D072f, D073b and D077b) comprising 100 documents were used for testing the proposed model. ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation) toolkit (Lin, 2004) is used for evaluation, where ROUGE compares a system generated summary against a human generated summary to measure the quality. ROUGE is the main metric in the DUC text summarization evaluations. It has different variants, in our experiment, we use ROUGE-N (N = 1 and 2) and ROUGE-L. In DUC 2002 document sets, each document set contains two model or human generated summaries for each document. We gave the names H1 and H2 for those two model summaries. The human summary H2 is used as benchmark to measure the quality of our proposed model summary, while the human summary H1 is used as reference summary. Beside the human with human benchmark (H2-H1) (H2 against H1); we also use another benchmark which is MS word summarize (Msword).

The evaluation is based on the generalizing of the results via confidence limits where the aim of generalization is to get a value which can express all values in the population of the results. For each summary, evaluation values (recall, precision and f-measure) are created using the evaluation measure ROUGE (Lin, 2004) which is standard measure. To measuring the performance of the proposed method, we check each evaluation value separately which is computationally expensive. Doing so is tough job and a waste of resources. The solution is to use the sample of results (summaries evaluation values) to calculate a range within which value in the evaluation is likely 95% to fall, which is the 95% confidence interval. The minimum and maximum values in that range are called the confidence limits, where the evaluation values are between the confidence limits. The ROUGE (Lin, 2004) generalizes the evaluation results using bootstrapping by resampling method.

We ran three experiments using the same data set, first is MMI diversity based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009a), second is swarm diversity based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009d) and third is the proposed intelligent model experiment. We present the three evaluation measures ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-L with the metrics recall, precision and f-measure.

Table 1: MMI, swarm diversity, the proposed model, Msword summarize and H2-H1 comparison: average recall, average precision and average f-measure using rouge-1 at the 95%-confidence interval

Table 2: MMI, swarm diversity, the proposed model, Msword summarize and H2-H1 comparison: average recall, average precision and average f-measure using rouge-2 at the 95%-confidence interval

Table 3: MMI, swarm diversity, the proposed model, Msword summarize and H2-H1 comparison: average recall, average precision and average f-measure using rouge-L at the 95%-confidence interval

The results are shown in the Table 1-3 using ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-L, respectively. We can see in Table 1 for example there is a big difference between recall and precision; therefore, we will compare all methods based on the average f-measure evaluation which is a balance between recall and precision.

Based on the average f-measure evaluation for ROUGE-1, Table 1, the swarm diversity based method is better than MMI diversity based method. The proposed intelligent model outperforms the swarm diversity based method and MMI diversity based method. The benchmark Msword got less performance than the individual methods and the proposed intelligent model. The same thing can be said on the performance of the methods for ROUGE-2 in Table 2 and for ROUGE-L in Table 3.


In this experiment, we have tested the hypothesis of exploiting of the advantages of different resources in form of a combined intelligent model could produce a good summary, it was not rejected. The obtained results of the proposed model supported and show the importance of such intelligent model for solving the automatic text summarization problem. For comparison purposes, the experimental results of the proposed model testing have shown good performance. Based on f-measure evaluation, the proposed model outperforms MMI diversity based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009a), swarm diversity based method (Binwahlan et al., 2009d) and ms word summarize by: 0.0064, 0.00212 and 0.02583, respectively for rouge-1, 0.00558, 0.00091 and 0.02115, respectively for rouge-2 and 0.00525, 0.00084 and 0.0181 respectively for rouge-L. the main reason which made the proposed model performs better than the previous techniques is in the proposed model, much attention paid to the clustering phase by employing the fuzzy swarm based method to select the initial centroids, which is most important step in the clustering process. For future work, we plan to introduce a different hybrid model of the two techniques combined in the current model based on an idea of leaving each technique to create its own summary then the final summary will be generated by an algorithm which can pick up the important sentences from each summary and include them in the final summary. This requires evaluation mechanism which can rescore the sentences of each individual summary.


This project is sponsored partly by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation under e-Science grant 01-01-06-SF0502, Malaysia.


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