Trends in Medical Research

Year: 2014 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 44-52
DOI: 10.17311/tmr.2014.44.52
Cognitive and Behavioural Outcome of Preterm Versus Full Term Infants, at School Entry Age
Mohamed Mohamed El-Mazahi, Mohamed Abd El-Fatah El-Mahdi, Hani Abd El- Hadi El-Khaleegy and Gehan Hassan Abou Gomaah

Abstract: To examine the IQ, general cognitive and behavioural outcome at school age in preterm and full-term children. The present study carried out in Damietta primary schools. The target population were all children in Damietta primary schools. The study included 762 children: 206 children who were delivered at preterm (group B) and 556 children were delivered at full term (group A). All children were submitted to Binet intelligence test and self-administered questionnaires were by the parents. For completing the Binet intelligence test each student was interviewed separately in a quite suitable room by the researcher and two well-trained psychologists. There was significant increase of behaviour score (40-60 and >60) in group B (preterm) in comparison to full term group (26.2, 9.7 vs. 13.3, 4.7%, respectively). Similarly, there was significant increase of enuresis and articulation disorders in preterm group. Finally, there was significant decline of IQ in preterm in comparison to full term group. Furthermore, there was significant correlation between IQ from one site and verbal reasoning, abstract-visual reasoning, quantitative reasoning, short term memory, aggression, attention problems, somatic problems from the other side in full term group while in preterm group, this correlation was significant for verbal reasoning, abstract-visual reasoning, quantitative reasoning, short term and delinquency. Results of the present study revealed that, preterm had lower total score IQ and so, preterm are vulnerable to cognitive affection.

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How to cite this article
Mohamed Mohamed El-Mazahi, Mohamed Abd El-Fatah El-Mahdi, Hani Abd El- Hadi El-Khaleegy and Gehan Hassan Abou Gomaah, 2014. Cognitive and Behavioural Outcome of Preterm Versus Full Term Infants, at School Entry Age. Trends in Medical Research, 9: 44-52.

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