Research Journal of Phytochemistry

Year: 2012 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 17-24
DOI: 10.17311/rjphyto.2012.17.24
Phytochemical Investigation of Allophylus serratus Kurz Leaves by UV and GC-MS Analysis
E. Sanmuga Priya, P. Senthamil Selvan and R. Tamilselvan

Abstract: Allophylus serratus Kurz is one of the largest genus of family Sapindaceae distributed all over India. The plant has got strong ethnopharmacological background like useful in the treatment of inflammation, gastrointestinal disorders, elephantiasis, osteoporosis etc. The ethanolic extract of the plant was reported for its antiulcerogenic and antiosteoporetic action, beyond its other traditional uses. The present study explored the nature of phytoconstituents present in Allophylus serratus Kurz using various modern analytical techniques. Determination of secondary metabolites like total phenolic and flavonoid content were done by UV spectroscopy whereas total tanning substances and foaming index were determined by conventional methods. The fatty acid content of the ethanolic extract was studied by GC-MS analysis. Among the different solvent extracts evaluated, the acetone extract have shown higher phenolic (0.82%) and flavonoid content (0.61%), whereas the ethanolic extract have shown high tanning substances (7.5%) and foaming index (222.3). In GC-MS analysis totally 22 fatty acids were identified by GC and their mass spectra were compared with those compounds from WILEY library. In conclusion, the plant material is found to have rich phenolics, flavonoids, tanning substances and saponins. In GC MS analysis the presence of various fatty acids were also identified.

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How to cite this article
E. Sanmuga Priya, P. Senthamil Selvan and R. Tamilselvan, 2012. Phytochemical Investigation of Allophylus serratus Kurz Leaves by UV and GC-MS Analysis. Research Journal of Phytochemistry, 6: 17-24.

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