Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology

Year: 2009 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 60-75
DOI: 10.3923/rjet.2009.60.75
Effect of Residual and Accumulative Sewage Sludge on Heavy Metals Bioaccumulation: Gene Action and Some Yield Parameters of Vicia faba
A.W. Amin, F.K. Sherif, H. El-Atar and H. Ez-Eldin

Abstract: Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of using sewage sludge as organic fertilizer on different cytological and yield parameters of Vicia faba. Sewage sludge treatment rates were 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 T/F and applied to the soil in three successive additions during 1999-2001. Different rates of residual and repeated application of sewage sludge increased heavy metals concentrations in the soil before sowing and after harvesting of Vicia faba. Sludge treatments did not affect some yield parameters, but mature plant height and number of tillers/plant were increased or decreased at different treatments of sludge. The seed index and fresh and dry weights of shoots and roots were increased. The number of seeds/pot recorded the highest value by 10 T/F of the one residual addition, while the lowest value was obtained at 20 T/F two additions. Also, sludge treatments increased mature plant height, seed index, seed density, the number of nodules/plant and fresh and dry weights of nodules except at the highest treatments of two and three additions. Generally, it decreased nodules efficiency percentage. The root tolerance index was increased by sludge treatments. The sludge treatments increased the mean mitotic index and those of three cumulative additions were higher than that of one residual addition treatment. Sludge treatments included a number of abnormalities in all mitotic phases and non dividing cells. The percentage of abnormal cells was increased by three cumulative additions treatments than the one residual addition.

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How to cite this article
A.W. Amin, F.K. Sherif, H. El-Atar and H. Ez-Eldin, 2009. Effect of Residual and Accumulative Sewage Sludge on Heavy Metals Bioaccumulation: Gene Action and Some Yield Parameters of Vicia faba. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology, 3: 60-75.

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