Research Journal of Environmental Sciences

Year: 2011 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 530-535
DOI: 10.3923/rjes.2011.530.535
Adoptability Limitation and Commercial Feasibility of Silkworm Rearing Technologies of Indian Tropical Tasarculture
R. Manohar Reddy

Abstract: Tropical tasarculture is an agro forestry activity of growing Antheraea mylitta Drury (wild silk insect) for unique vanya silk, which provides livelihood and employment to two and half lakh rural aboriginal families of the country. The outdoor tropical tasar silkworm rearing with tentative cocoon yield requires technology intervention for assured cocoon crop and sustainable returns. The critical areas of silkworm rearing from egg incubation to spinning of cocoon needs appropriate handling to convert maximum number of viable silkworm eggs to quality silk cocoons. Though, the technologies for tasar silkworm rearing are available, their adoptability and commercial feasibility among rearing groups and operational areas require fine-tuning and the field functionaries need updation on such modifications, thus to result into feasible cost-benefit proposition. The fine-tuned adoptable technologies for higher egg hatching and healthy larval population, control of diseases and larval mortality and minimizing the cocoon yield loss with pests and predators, requires wider publicity among end users, appropriate advocation of specified methodology and in-time adoption for attainable productivity, quality and economic success in tropical tasar silkworm rearing.

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How to cite this article
R. Manohar Reddy , 2011. Adoptability Limitation and Commercial Feasibility of Silkworm Rearing Technologies of Indian Tropical Tasarculture. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 5: 530-535.

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