Research Journal of Botany

Year: 2014 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 31-39
DOI: 10.17311/rjb.2014.31.39
Determination of Difference between Herbaceous and Tree Peony Hybrids with SRAP Markers
Arif Atak and Erdal Kaya

Abstract: Turkish flora has approximately 12,000 plant taxons and 35% of them are known to be endemic. The herbaceous and woody forms of peony plants have been commonly used as ornamental plants and for medical purposes, especially in the far East, for many years. Herbaceous species with 12 taxons including 55 populations have been detected and collected from Turkey’s flora since 2000. Then breeding programs started with interspecific crosses and some new hybrids were obtained. To achieve targeted results it is especially important to distinguish between the resulting herbaceous or woody structures of individuals. Therefore, the selected 10 SRAP primers were used to separate some woody and herbaceous peony hybrids and also standard peony cultivars from each other. Successful results were obtained with these SCAR primers. As a result of interspecific crosses the obtained herbaceous or tree structure of individuals that were most reliable, especially Me2+Em1 and Me8+Em2 primer pair combinations were derived from testing. Thus, they are the first hybrid plants with leaves and undesirable characteristics can be determined in those forms to be eliminated. Thus, targeted results have been obtained in a much shorter time while the ratio of peony breeding success has increased.

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How to cite this article
Arif Atak and Erdal Kaya, 2014. Determination of Difference between Herbaceous and Tree Peony Hybrids with SRAP Markers. Research Journal of Botany, 9: 31-39.

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