Plant Pathology Journal

Year: 2014 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 152-159
DOI: 10.3923/ppj.2014.152.159
In vitro Antifungal Activity of Novel Picolinamides against Soil Borne Fungi and Structure Activity Relationship
Aditi Kundu and Supradip Saha

Abstract: We investigated the antifungal potentiality of multifunctional novel picolinamide derivatives against various phytopathogens. Picolinic acid is a microbial secondary metabolite reported to possess wide biological potential. Picolonic acid was esterified, condensed with hydrazine hydrate and subsequent refluxing with various substituted aromatic aldehydes to synthesize sixteen novel substituted picolinamides. Synthesized novel compounds were characterized by various physico-spectral techniques. Structure antifungal activity relationship of the synthesized molecules was predicted by evaluating individual derivatives. Picolinamide derivatives were found to possess significant antifungal activity against the wide range of soil borne pathogens. Chloro substituted picolinamide derivatives exhibited maximum antifungal activity against R. solani (ED50 29.08 μg mL-1) followed by A. alternata (ED50 33.90 μg mL-1). Antifungal bioassay results testify that these compounds can be of interest in search for new fungicides.

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How to cite this article
Aditi Kundu and Supradip Saha, 2014. In vitro Antifungal Activity of Novel Picolinamides against Soil Borne Fungi and Structure Activity Relationship. Plant Pathology Journal, 13: 152-159.

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