Plant Pathology Journal

Year: 2003 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 129-135
DOI: 10.3923/ppj.2003.129.135
Effect of Different Level of Seed Borne Infections on Fibre Yield Contributing Characters of Jute (Chorcorus cpasulris L.)
M.M. Islam, K. Sultana, M.G. Mostafa, H.A. Begum, M.M. Rahman and M.N. Nabi

Abstract: A study was under taken to measure the effects of different level of seed borne infections on the fibre yield contributing characters of jute at Kishoreganj regional station of BJRI. Varieties D-154 and BJC-7370 were selected for this study. Infected seeds of the above two varieties were collected from JAES, Manikganj and categorized on the basis of seed-borne pathogens viz. 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% infected seeds. Findings revealed that, both D-154 and BJC-7370 of jute had less seedling emergence in the field with the increase of initial seed borne infections. Stem rot, black band and anthracnose diseases were noticed after one month of seed sowing in the fields. As the initial seed borne infections increases, disease development in the field also increases. Fibre yield contributing characters (plant height and base diameter) and fibre weight decreases with the increase of initial seed borne infections.

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How to cite this article
M.M. Islam, K. Sultana, M.G. Mostafa, H.A. Begum, M.M. Rahman and M.N. Nabi, 2003. Effect of Different Level of Seed Borne Infections on Fibre Yield Contributing Characters of Jute (Chorcorus cpasulris L.). Plant Pathology Journal, 2: 129-135.

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