Pakistan Journal of Nutrition

Year: 2018 | Volume: 17 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 492-499
DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2018.492.499
Antioxidant Activity of Archidendron pauciflorum, Syzygium oleana, Mangifera indica, Theobroma cacao and Cinnamomum burmannii Young Leaves and Their Application as Jelly Drink Colourants
Tuty Anggraini, Vio Novendra and Novelina

Abstract: Background and Objectives: Natural dyes have been used in the food industry and pigments from plants are widely used as such dyes. This research aimed to determine the characteristics of natural dye extracts from the young leaves of Archidendron pauciflorum (A. pauciflorum), Syzygium oleana (S. oleana), Mangifera indica (M. indica), Theobroma cacao (T. cacao) and Cinnamomum burmannii (C. burmannii) and to examine their application as a colourant in jelly drinks. Materials and Methods: The young leaves of A. pauciflorum, S. oleana, M. indica, T. cacao and C. burmannii were exposed to Folin-Ciocalteu reagents and Diphenyl Pycryl Hydrazyl (DPPH). The method used in this research was exploratory, 5 treatments were performed on young A. pauciflorum, S. oleana, M. indica, T. cacao and C. burmannii leaf extracts before their subsequent application in a jelly drink. The pH and antioxidant activity were measured, as were the total polyphenol and anthocyanin contents of young leaves of A. pauciflorum, S. oleana, M. indica, T. cacao and C. burmannii and their subsequent application in jelly drinks. Results: The results showed that the antioxidant activity and total polyphenol content of A. pauciflorum both in extract and jelly drinks were the highest among the young leaves. Values of the anthocyanin content in young leaves of A. pauciflorum, S. oleana, M. indica, T. cacao and C. burmannii were 17.90±0.03, 19.34±0.02, 74.39±0.07, 26.84±0.01 and 21.61±0.02 mg L–1, respectively, while the anthocyanin contents of jelly drinks made with A. pauciflorum, S. oleana, M. indica, T. cacao and C. burmannii jelly drinks were 6.90±0.02, 7.39±0.03, 11.79±0.04, 11.79±0.04 and 2.69±0.02 mg L–1, respectively. Conclusion:The young leaves of A. pauciflorum, S. oleana, M. indica, T. cacao and C. burmannii can potentially be used as colourants in jelly drinks.

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How to cite this article
Tuty Anggraini, Vio Novendra and Novelina , 2018. Antioxidant Activity of Archidendron pauciflorum, Syzygium oleana, Mangifera indica, Theobroma cacao and Cinnamomum burmannii Young Leaves and Their Application as Jelly Drink Colourants. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 17: 492-499.

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