Pakistan Journal of Nutrition

Year: 2016 | Volume: 15 | Issue: 12 | Page No.: 1034-1041
DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2016.1034.1041
Seasonal Forage Availability, Nutrient Composition and Mineral Concentrations of Imported Breed Cattle at the Padang Mangatas Breeding Center for Beef Cattle in West Sumatra, Indonesia
Khalil ., Reswati , Y.K. Fitri, Indahwati and Yuherman

Abstract: Background and Objective: Grazing pasture is presumably able to fulfill fodder requirement for a greater population of breeding cattle, whereas low reproductive rates are most likely caused by mineral deficiency in soil and grazing forages. The present study aimed to evaluate seasonal availability and nutrient composition of pastures in relation to carrying capacity and mineral concentrations of imported breed cattle by considering the mineral profiles of soils, forages and blood plasma samples. Materials and Methods: Samples of forage and soils were collected from 75 sampling points at 15 pasture paddocks during wet and dry seasons. Sample of forages were used for estimation of botanical composition of planted forage species, biomass production and carrying capacity and then analyzed for Dry Matter (DM), crude nutrient, fiber fraction and minerals (Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Se and Zn) the same minerals were also analyzed in soil samples. Blood samples were collected from 15 female Simmentals, including heifers and pregnant and non-pregnant cows of each 5 animals. Blood plasma samples were analyzed for Ca, P, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Se and Zn. Results: Pastures were dominated by the Brachiaria decumbens species of approximately 81-84%, while legumes were scarce (0.1-03%). Biomass production carrying capacity and fiber content of forages were significantly higher in the wet season, while DM and crude protein contents were higher in the dry season. Minerals of forages were not significantly affected by the seasons, some micro minerals Mn, Se, Cu and Zn were deficient in soil, forages and cattle. Conclusion: The stocking rate of the grazing pasture could be increased and that dietary supplementation of micro minerals (Mn, Cu, Se and Zn) is needed.

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How to cite this article
Khalil ., Reswati , Y.K. Fitri, Indahwati and Yuherman , 2016. Seasonal Forage Availability, Nutrient Composition and Mineral Concentrations of Imported Breed Cattle at the Padang Mangatas Breeding Center for Beef Cattle in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 15: 1034-1041.

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