Pakistan Journal of Nutrition

Year: 2003 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 238-241
DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2003.238.241
Experiments to Investigate the Factors That Affect the Rate of Sex Constitution
K. Celik, S. Serbest, S. Vurur, A. Pala and K. Daglioglu

Abstract: This paper reports a study on mice and human to check the theory of Stolkowski which hypothesizes that mineral (Na, K, Ca) imbalance in the diet of the female before fertilization affects the sex ratio of the progeny. For this aim, total 40 female and 16 male 2 months age white mice used; which were separated into 8 groups, each of them consisted of 5 female and 2 male animals. Group 1 was a control, group 2-3-4-5-6-7 and 8 were treated as experimental groups. (0.5 g Na/kg feed, 2,0 g K/kg feed and 5,0 g Ca/kg feed); feed was given to group 1 while group 2-3-4-5-6-7 and 8 received in their feed 1.5 g Na/kg feed, 6,0 g K/kg feed and 15,0 g Ca/kg feed during 30 days before mating. K had the highest male ratio in their litter followed by those given Ca+K. Population of Canakkale was evaluated by traditional nutrition of habits and no found statistical differences in sex both m/f (P>0.10).

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How to cite this article
K. Celik, S. Serbest, S. Vurur, A. Pala and K. Daglioglu, 2003. Experiments to Investigate the Factors That Affect the Rate of Sex Constitution. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2: 238-241.

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