Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2009 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 730-733
DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2009.730.733
Socioeconomic Status, Youth’s Eating Patterns and Meals Consumed away from Home
N. Hejazi and Z. Mazloom

Abstract: This study was design to determine whether there is a difference in the number of meals consumed away from home (restaurant or fast food) between low socioeconomic status (SES) and high SES adolescents. Additionally, this study sought to determine if the nutrients and food group chosen differs among children who consume meals away from home versus those who do not. Eighty four adolescences (51 boys and 33 girls) ages 12-16 years and their parents from Shiraz, Iran completed the three 24 h diet recalls (one weekend and two week days). The demographics questionnaire was also completed from each participant. Data analyzed using SPSS and hypothesis tested using one way ANOVA. There was no significant difference in the number of meals consumed away from home in low SES adolescents compared to high SES (p = 0.464). However, those who consumed meals away from home reported a higher percentage of calories from fat (p = 0.007) and serving of fried vegetables (p = 0.010) compared to those who consumed no meals away from home. These findings suggest that intervention for adolescents eating patterns should provide information on choosing healthy meals away from home.

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How to cite this article
N. Hejazi and Z. Mazloom, 2009. Socioeconomic Status, Youth’s Eating Patterns and Meals Consumed away from Home. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 12: 730-733.

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