Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2001 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 462-463
DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2001.462.463
Measurement of Earliness in Upland Cotton
Rehana Anjum, A. R. Soomro and M. A. Chang

Abstract: Earliness studies were carried out on four strains (CRIS-19, CRIS-52, CRIS-133, CRIS-134) and one commercial variety CRIS-9 developed by CCRI Sakrand, during 1997 cotton season by evaluating five characters viz., plant height, main stem node number bearing 1st sympodial branch, number of days to bloom first flower / boll and number of days to attain 5-NAWF (Nodes Above White Flower) stage for their effectiveness in measuring earliness. The results demonstrated that the advance strains tested were 2 to 3 days earlier than CRIS-9 in opening their first flower, 2 to 6 days in attaining the stage of 5 - NAWF stage and 7 to 10 days in opening their first boll. It was also found that the characters attaining date of 5-NAWF stage and date of opening first boll were more reliable indicators of earliness as compared to others.

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How to cite this article
Rehana Anjum, A. R. Soomro and M. A. Chang, 2001. Measurement of Earliness in Upland Cotton. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 4: 462-463.

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