Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2001 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 407-410
DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2001.407.410
Host Plants Associated with Outbreaks of Whitefly as it Relates to Population Management in Cotton in Sindh, Pakistan
Ghulam Hussain Mallah, Ghulam Akbar Panhwar and Mohammad Yousif Solangi

Abstract: Cultivated vegetables, selected ornamental plants and weed hosts have been sampled throughout the year during 1997 to gain a better understanding of the pest and their relative importance in this regard. Key factors identified as contributing to the problem in cotton are; intensive use of pesticides, mild winters (Permitting greater survival), the year round sequence of suitable hosts (both cultivated and weeds), thus providing the bridge which permits populations to cycle from cotton season to cotton season by continuing to reproduce, albeit more slowly on less suitable hosts and in winters. Overall whitefly numbers were much higher on brinjal. The important ornamental hosts were Lantana and hibiscus which ameliorate cold winter conditions and therefore enhance over winter survival of whitefly Whitefly populations decrease drastically but do not disappear completely from the major vegetables when winter temperature drop. It is important to mention that the bringal had ten times more whiteflies than did the other vegetables and weed hosts. Sonchus was found excellent weed host of whitefly. Our research to date , indicates that the most vulnerable time of the year for the whitefly is late winter when populations are at their lowest level. At this time a combination of several practices on an area wide basis might result in breaking the cycle.

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How to cite this article
Ghulam Hussain Mallah, Ghulam Akbar Panhwar and Mohammad Yousif Solangi, 2001. Host Plants Associated with Outbreaks of Whitefly as it Relates to Population Management in Cotton in Sindh, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 4: 407-410.

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