Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

Year: 2019 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 125-130
DOI: 10.3923/jest.2019.125.130
Dissipation of Lambda-cyhalothrin under Organic Amendment in Vegetable Soils in Burkina Faso under Laboratory Conditions
Rayim Wende Alice Nare , Paul Windinpsidi Savadogo, Vijay Tularam Gajbhiye, Shashi Bala Singh, Irani Mukherjee, Hassan Bismarck Nacro and Michel Papaoba Sedogo

Abstract: Background and Objective: Pyrethroids are a group of pesticides widely used currently. Lambda-cyhalothrin is a pyrethroids insecticide used in Burkina Faso for crop protection. This insecticide efficacy is well known by vegetable farmers. However, no information is available on the persistence of lambda-cyhalothrin in soil under Burkina Faso climate conditions. The objective of this study was to determine the persistence of lambda-cyhalothrin in vegetable soil in Burkina Faso. Materials and Methods: The first experiment to determine the persistence of lambda-cyhalothrin was carried out under laboratory conditions in sterile and non-sterile soil to evaluate the microbial contribution to degradation. The second experiment has been done in soil with and without manure to evaluate the contribution of manure to lambda-cyhalothrin degradation. Results: During the incubation, 73.2% of lambda-cyhalothrin degraded in 7 days in non-sterile soil as opposed to 12.0% in sterile soil during the same period. During all the incubation period (20 days), lambda-cyhalothrin degradation was still slow in sterile soils (64%) compare to the degradation in non-sterile soil (83.7%). The half-life of lambda-cyhalothrin in sterile and non-sterile soil was 27.36 and 14.33 days, respectively. The results of the contribution of manure to lambda-cyhalothrin degradation have showed that the dissipation in soil in the presence of manure is higher (26.25%) than the dissipation without manure (21.5%) during the first 7 days and from 8-20 days after incubation. Conclusion: Microorganisms, abiotic factors and soil organic manure contribute to the dissipation of lambda-cyhalothrin in the soil.

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How to cite this article
Rayim Wende Alice Nare, Paul Windinpsidi Savadogo, Vijay Tularam Gajbhiye, Shashi Bala Singh, Irani Mukherjee, Hassan Bismarck Nacro and Michel Papaoba Sedogo, 2019. Dissipation of Lambda-cyhalothrin under Organic Amendment in Vegetable Soils in Burkina Faso under Laboratory Conditions. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 12: 125-130.

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