Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

Year: 2011 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 103-111
DOI: 10.3923/jest.2011.103.111
Effects of Water and Sanitation Crisis on Infants and Under-five Children in Africa
Onyenekenwa Cyprian Eneh

Abstract: Dwindling municipal water supply leads to water and sanitation crisis. For their domestic needs, people fall back on dubious water sources, many of which contain dangerous contaminants. Since, they cannot afford the high expense of water treatment, people helplessly take the contaminated water. They get sick with water-related diseases, leading to miscarriages, birth defects and infantile deaths, as well as loss of work and school days equivalent to 3-5% GDP due to water related ailments. This review critically examines secondary information and data on sources of water contamination and the effects of water and sanitation crisis on infants and under-five children in Africa. Methaemoglobinemia, dehydration, malnutrition and loss of parents associated with high MMR and water and sanitation related low life expectancy afflict children, leading to high mortality rate and morbidity of infants and under-five children. Recommendations include emphasis on preventive healthcare and pro-poor health policies to ensure the quality and availability of safe water.

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How to cite this article
Onyenekenwa Cyprian Eneh , 2011. Effects of Water and Sanitation Crisis on Infants and Under-five Children in Africa. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 4: 103-111.

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