Journal of Entomology

Year: 2005 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 86-91
DOI: 10.3923/je.2005.86.91
Production and Infectivity of Some Entomopathogenic Nematodes Against Larvae and Pupae of Cabbage Butterfly, Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera:Pieridae)
A. N. Mahar, N. D. JAN, Q. I. Chachar, G. S. Markhand, M. Munir and A. Q. Mahar

Abstract: Production and infectivity to cabbage butterfly, Pieris brassicae larvae and pupae was compared to four entomopathogenic nematodes such as Steinernema carpocapsae, S. feltiae, Heterorhabditis indica and H. bacteriophora. Nematodes production of all species was determined by the number infective juveniles (IJs) established in cabbage butterfly larvae and pupae using sand and filter paper bioassay. S. carpocapsae produced the maximum number in larvae and pupae at 25°C as compared to other nematodes but production of H. indica, was better at 30°C in larvae and pupae followed by H. bacteriophora, S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae. Infectivity test of larvae and pupae was also done in sand media. Infective juveniles recovered from larvae and pupae when treated with S. carpocapsae produced maximum infective juveniles at 25°C temperatures than all other isolates. H. indica produced higher number of IJs in larvae and pupae than all other nematode isolates at 30°C. This research indicates the application of nematodes with the knowledge of insect pest biology represents a possible new strategy for controlling cabbage butterfly larvae and pupae.

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How to cite this article
A. N. Mahar, N. D. JAN, Q. I. Chachar, G. S. Markhand, M. Munir and A. Q. Mahar, 2005. Production and Infectivity of Some Entomopathogenic Nematodes Against Larvae and Pupae of Cabbage Butterfly, Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera:Pieridae). Journal of Entomology, 2: 86-91.

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