Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2019 | Volume: 19 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 148-154
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2019.148.154
Identification of Serious Clinical Amebic Dysentery Cases in the Middle Euphrates Region of Iraq
Hadi Fadhil Alyasari, Hayder O. Hashim, Alaa Hamady Obeid Altaei and Mohammed Baqur S. Al- Shuhaib

Abstract: Background and Objective: A lot of enteric parasites are responsible for causing morbidity and mortality outcomes in the worldwide individuals, especially in poor hygienic countries. The present study was conducted to detect amebic dysentery-causing Entamoeba species in the middle Euphrates regions in Iraq. Materials and Methods: A total of 155 diarrhea admitted-females (aged from 10-70 years old) who underwent parasitological examination were included in the study. After its classical confirmation, the presence of amebic dysentery was detected by PCR. Results: It was found that the overall prevalence of amoebic species infection in the infected females was 62% (96/155). Comparison of age groups showed that 30-39 aged females had a more susceptibility rate than other age groups since the highest levels of amoebic infection were shown in the 30-39 aged females. Three forms of amoebic infection were observed, including E. histolytica, E. dispar and E. coli, which, as long as other painful clinical symptoms were concentrated in rural and low educated level of the studied areas. Conclusion: This pilot present study discovered a remarkable percentage of amoebic dysentery infection in the females aged 30-39 years old, which may imply serious precautions for this group throughout the developing world.

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How to cite this article
Hadi Fadhil Alyasari, Hayder O. Hashim, Alaa Hamady Obeid Altaei and Mohammed Baqur S. Al- Shuhaib, 2019. Identification of Serious Clinical Amebic Dysentery Cases in the Middle Euphrates Region of Iraq. Journal of Biological Sciences, 19: 148-154.

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