Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2014 | Volume: 14 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 95-109
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2014.95.109
Trends and Advances in Vaccines Against Protozoan Parasites of Veterinary Importance: A Review
A.K. Singh, A.K. Verma, Neha , Ruchi Tiwari , K. Karthik , Kuldeep Dhama and S.V. Singh

Abstract: By 2050 to feed the estimated human population of around 9 billion, there is requirement of 50% increase the food production, which can only be fulfilled by clean, healthy and sustainable food animal production. Livestock industry is facing considerable economic losses due to infectious diseases. So an effective control strategy is need of today to control these infectious diseases and contribute in augmentation of livestock production. Parasitic diseases have a major impact on livestock production, reproduction and hence economy. Protozoan parasites are major causes of human and animal disease causing extensive morbidity and mortality, particularly parasitic disease in tropical and sub-tropical climatic regions. Many protozoal parasitic diseases are zoonotic. Limiting the impact of parasitism in both man and livestock relies almost exclusively on the use of antiparasitic drugs. Development of resistance towards chemotherapeutic agents has forced the scientist to discover some alternative for control of parasitic diseases. Recent advances in immunology and biotechnology have sensitized the scientists or researchers to develop the newer and safer vaccines for control of parasitic diseases. This review is intended to provide state-of-art information to the reader with an overview on the trends, advances and perspectives in vaccines and vaccinology against important parasitic diseases of livestock and poultry viz., coccidiosis, anaplasmosis, giardiosis, babesiosis, Neospora infection, toxoplasmosis, theleriosis, sarcocyst infestation, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis and trichomoniasis, which altogether play crucial role in the prevention of protozoan parasitic diseases of animals.

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How to cite this article
A.K. Singh, A.K. Verma, Neha , Ruchi Tiwari , K. Karthik , Kuldeep Dhama and S.V. Singh , 2014. Trends and Advances in Vaccines Against Protozoan Parasites of Veterinary Importance: A Review. Journal of Biological Sciences, 14: 95-109.

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