Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2014 | Volume: 14 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 387-402
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2014.387.402
Histomorphological Developmental Study of Advanced Postnatal of the Pancreas of Local Rabbit
F.J. Al-Saffar and A.H.A. Al-Hasnawy

Abstract: Current research aimed to investigate the developmental changes of the pancreatic tissues of the local rabbits during different postnatal periods (one, twenty, forty, sixty and eighty days of age). Histological sections prepared from the specimens of their pancreas were stained with general and special stains then photographed with Dino-eye piece camera and analyzed with its image software. Macroscopic examination showed that the pancreas of the rabbit was structured of three lobes that were head, body and tail lobes. The pancreas of rabbit appeared as a diffused type because the lobes were diffusely invested within the mesenteric tissue. The data showed the existence of the accessory pancreatic duct and absence of the major duct. Microscopic findings revealed immature exocrine portion at one day aged rabbits due to the morphological changes established during subsequent ages. The endocrine portion reside primarily in the islet’s of Langerhans which were associated well with extra-blood vessels and exocrine ducts. Microscopically, each islet was structured of several cells (α, β and δ) which were different in size, shape and color. Islets were not fully developed at birth because their densities, cellular content and sizes were changed during different postnatal ages. In conclusion, dramatic critical morphological changes in the exocrine portion at twenty and forty days of age as well as the gradual changes at sixty and eighty days of ages were observed. In addition to that, histological changes in the islet of Langerhans such as their densities, sizes and cellular content indicated their immaturity at birth.

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How to cite this article
F.J. Al-Saffar and A.H.A. Al-Hasnawy, 2014. Histomorphological Developmental Study of Advanced Postnatal of the Pancreas of Local Rabbit. Journal of Biological Sciences, 14: 387-402.

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