Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2012 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 342-348
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2012.342.348
Response of Seed Yield and its Components of Safflower to Sowing Dates, Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels and Times of Foliar Application with Milagrow
S.E. Seadh, A.N.E. Attia, M.A. Badawi and S.M.S. El-Hety

Abstract: The high productivity of safflower is outcome of many agronomical practices such as sowing dates, N-levels and times of foliar fertilization. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of sowing dates (1st Sept., 1st Oct. and 1st Nov.), N-levels (40, 60 and 80 kg N fed-1) and times of foliar application with Milagrow (without, one and two times) on seed yield of safflower. Each sowing date was practiced in separate experiment. Every experiment was carried out in strip plot design with three replications. Sowing safflower at 1st October gave the highest values of seed yield and its components in both seasons. The lowest means of seed yield and its components were resulted from sowing at 1st September in both seasons. Raising N-levels markedly accompanied with obvious increase in all studied characters in both seasons. Application of 80 kg N fed-1 significantly resulted in the highest values of all studied characters of safflower. Spraying safflower plants with Milagrow two times after 30 and 70 days from sowing produced the highest values of seed yield and its components in both seasons. On the other wise, control treatment gave the lowest values of these characters in both seasons. From the obtained data, it can be concluded that sowing safflower on 1st October and mineral fertilizing with 80 kg N fed-1 beside twice foliar application with Milagrow as a natural growth promoter in order to maximizing its seed yield and its components under the environmental conditions of Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt.

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How to cite this article
S.E. Seadh, A.N.E. Attia, M.A. Badawi and S.M.S. El-Hety, 2012. Response of Seed Yield and its Components of Safflower to Sowing Dates, Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels and Times of Foliar Application with Milagrow. Journal of Biological Sciences, 12: 342-348.

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