Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2007 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 379-383
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2007.379.383
Evaluation of Pearl Millet Accessions for Yield and Nutrient Composition
J.T. Amodu, I.A. Adeyinka, M.S. Kallah and J.P. Alawa

Abstract: An experiment was carried out in 2001 and 2002 at the Forage and Crop Residue Research Programme of the National Animal Production Research, Institute, Shika, Nigeria, to evaluate the yield components and nutrient composition of three accessions of pearl millet (Mokwa, Bunkure and Kankara). The three accessions were planted in completely randomized block design in three replications. Sowing was carried out in both years of the trial at the rate of 4 kg seeds per hectare on 10x7.5 m plot. Parameters assessed included plant height, number of tillers/culm, percentage green, leaf:stem ratio, fodder yield (fresh and dry weights). CP, CF, EE, NFE, ash, P, Ca and Mg. Results showed that at 116 post-planting, there were varietal differences in height, tillering ability, leafiness and greenness, which were found significant (p<0.05). The Bunkure accession which was taller, greener and higher in number of tillers had the highest fodder yield of 9.07 and 7.32 t ha-1 of fresh weight and dry weight, respectively. In the three accessions there were no significant differences (p>0.05) in the leaf:stem ratio. Differences between accessions in terms of EE, NFE and P were not significantly different (p>0.05) while significant differences were noticed in ash, CP, CF and Mg content of the millet accessions.

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How to cite this article
J.T. Amodu, I.A. Adeyinka, M.S. Kallah and J.P. Alawa, 2007. Evaluation of Pearl Millet Accessions for Yield and Nutrient Composition. Journal of Biological Sciences, 7: 379-383.

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