Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2005 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 697-702
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2005.697.702
Factors Enhancing Induction of High Frequency Plant Regeneration from Somatic Embryos of Indica Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Deepinder Grewal, Raman Gill and S.S. Gosal

Abstract: This study was aimed to asses the promotive effect of maltose, sucrose, proline, charcoal etc. on frequency of regeneration and embryogenesis. Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis and subsequent plant regeneration in vitro in basmati rice cultures were highly genotype specific. The number, mass and morphology of the callus formed on the scutellum were dependent on the medium used. They were affected by the auxins, sugars, amino acids, growth regulators etc. Supplementation of the control medium independently with maltose (30 and 60 g L 1), proline (560 m g L 1), Elevated sucrose (60 g L 1), activated charcoal (2 g L 1), cefotaxime (100 mg L 1) enhanced somatic embryogenesis considerably. The nodular embryogenic calli were further confirmed through histological analysis and their plant regeneration ability. The plant regeneration was also influenced both by the genotype as well as the composition of the medium used for induction of plant regeneration. Higher plant regeneration was achieved on medium containing maltose (30 and 60 g L 1), proline (560 mg L 1), elevated sucrose (60 g L 1) and activated charcoal (2 g L 1). Plants obtained were phenotypically normal and identical to control seed derived plants and exhibited normal fertility. A limited humidity and an optimal aeration of the culture tubes enhanced the frequency of embryogenesis and plant regeneration.

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How to cite this article
Deepinder Grewal, Raman Gill and S.S. Gosal, 2005. Factors Enhancing Induction of High Frequency Plant Regeneration from Somatic Embryos of Indica Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Biological Sciences, 5: 697-702.

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