Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2002 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 449-452
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2002.449.452
Potency of Some Spices Against Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus
Muhammad Aslam, Khalid Ali Khan and M.Z.H. Bajwa

Abstract: The experiment was conducted to investigate the insecticidal potency of some spices against pulse beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis) on stored chickpea with six treatments. The data were recorded on days to 100% mortality, days to adult emerged, number of adults emerged and chickpea weight loss (%). Minimum number of days to 100% mortality was observed in cloves and black pepper treated pulse beetles, while maximum number was recorded in control treatments. Equal number of days to adult emerged was counted in all the treatments including control. Minimum number of adults emerged was counted in cloves and black peppers treated pulse beetles. However, maximum number was counted in control treatments. Lower weight loss percent was also calculated in cloves and black peppers treated pulse beetles as compared to other treatments. However, higher weight loss percent was calculated in control treatment.

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How to cite this article
Muhammad Aslam, Khalid Ali Khan and M.Z.H. Bajwa , 2002. Potency of Some Spices Against Callosobruchus chinensis Linnaeus. Journal of Biological Sciences, 2: 449-452.

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